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Open Letter to Christopher Luxon

The BFD. Photo by Helloquence

It is quite disappointing that you have made a decision to not meet with those protesting outside parliament. I would like to ask you to consider the following:

I am hearing two very different reports about the protestors:

  1. That they are violent and breaking the law.
  2. That they are mainly law abiding and peaceful.

What is the truth? From what I have seen and heard they seem to be mainly peaceful and law-abiding citizens representing those who are suffering, mainly due to vaccine mandates. But let us be generous and give you the benefit of the doubt, it seems likely that (as with many protests) a small minority are likely to be violent and breaking the law.

You will not meet with them because some are violent and breaking the law? So, if some of the protestors are violent you will not speak to any? If one breaks the law you will not speak to any?

Let us then be consistent: Have nothing to do with anyone who would turn a sprinkler on a child all night, leaving them to suffer in the cold and wet. But why not go even further: Some citizens of New Zealand are violent, some have broken the law, so do not meet with any citizens at all. That would be a great way to win votes at election time, wouldn’t it?

But that isn’t consistent enough, what about foreign governments that have been accused of human rights abuses? Have nothing to do with countries that are being “violent and aggressive”.

What about those foreign governments accused of organ harvesting? Will you stop talking to them also? Or you could try being a real leader, step up and be a man. Be an example and start the dialogue. Are you not a Christian?

Read Isaiah 1:17 in the Bible where we are taught to seek justice, rebuke the oppressor, and to plead the cause of the widow and the orphan.

You mentioned the spread of “mis-information” by the protestors: What “mis-information” are these protestors spreading?
Have an open discussion on this “mis-information”

Any “conspiracy theory” can easily be exposed as such.

Seek to uncover the truth together with the “conspiracy theorists” But it seems that you fear the truth when you are unwilling to seek it.

I have spoken in the past on the ethical concern that some have regarding the “vaccines”. To those who are reading and are disturbed by the following, I want to make it clear that God knows the heart and that I am not bringing this up to judge or condemn anyone, I would like to encourage you that Jesus Christ died and rose again to take away the sin of mankind and He is faithful to forgive those who truly repent.

Now, the issue I have raised is that Pfizer used HEK293 cells (cells harvested from an aborted child) in the testing of their “vaccine”.
Refer to lines 269-277 of the following document:

We must each be free to make our own decision based on conscience, but I can not support the use of aborted children in medical research. I refuse to support a vaccine made in such a way as this.

Is it “mis-information” that the “vaccines” are not effective?

It does appear that the gene therapy “vaccines” are not effective against the “omicron” variant. Some may doubt that they were effective against any variant, but that is not really relevant at this stage as “omicron” is now the dominant variant.

Is it “mis-information” that they are unsafe?
Any medical procedure has risk, to say otherwise is reckless.

In America cases of vaccine adverse events are reported through “VAERS” which provides an insight into the safety of the “vaccines”.

See example cases linked below:

49 year old woman -“..began seizing without warning..” suffered cardiac arrest and died.

45 year old woman, passed away in middle of night (same day/day after vaccination?)

33 year old woman -did not show up to work after receiving “Pfizer vaccine”, found dead at home.

48 year old woman -passed away 2 days after receiving “vaccine”.

40 year old man (immunocompromised) collapsed and died 5 days after “vaccination”.

46 year old man -felt extreme fatigue a few days after “vaccination” went to work for a few days but still suffering extreme fatigue, went home to rest, found dead by his wife after she returned from dropping children off somewhere.

39 year old woman (single mother of a 9 year old girl) -died about 30 hours after receiving “vaccine”

48 year old woman -2 days later went to hospital, cleared and sent home, died next day.

36 year old man -woke with sore arm and back day after “vaccine”, woke with headache the next night (1 am), started having seizures in afternoon, admitted to hospital and died. (reported by his wife).

16 year old girl died 9 days after “vaccination”

15 year old boy died 2 days after “vaccination”

16 year old boy died within days of “vaccination”

13 year old boy had flu-like symptoms after “vaccination” for 2 days then died. I could go on but I am sure this is enough to make a point.

While we could argue on the “numbers” and “statistics” all day, it is clear that for the people above the “vaccine” was not 100% safe. These are people who are dead and now their families have to live without a loved one, a child, a mother, a father, a brother.

On a personal note, I have spoken to some people in New Zealand, who have reported “vaccine” injuries, and it is terrible that families are suffering and having to weigh up the risk of further injury/death to get another shot or face losing their jobs. Why are you ignoring them?

If you want to talk this out, if you want to go through the “conspiracies” and sort fact from fiction, I am willing to discuss further.

Colin Parkinson
