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Opting Out of the Opt-Out Option

Let’s have a look at what goes on behind the scenes and behind the public rhetoric.  We begin in June 2021.


The ‘water services entities’ [WSE] are the four organisations yet to be created by the Labour Government.

Back in June 2021 Cabinet agreed that all delivery and infrastructure for fresh and waste water currently in the care of Councils would transfer to the four WSE.

Done deal.  Opt-in, opt-out? Don’t make me laugh!

Stormwater was slightly nuanced because of the roading issues.  (How road stormwater that ends up mixed with other stormwater is to be handled is a tale for another day.)

Before the end of June, Newsroom reported:

Screen grab, TheBFD

Lying toad!  She had already had Cabinet agree that all the water stuff currently in the care of Councils would transfer to the WSE.

Ah, but it is all good because, unlike the Labour Government, the WSE (run, no doubt, by Labour Party appointees) are going to be open and transparent, and will engage meaningfully with communities.


Perhaps they will run a better TV ad campaign than the $3.5million one we were exposed to?

At least there is good news on the financial front for the long-suffering taxpayer/ratepayer when it comes to the Three Water Reform.  You can read all about it here:


In the supplementary paper from Minister Mahuta she says:

em1ppemb0 2021-06-22 14:53:12
“If some territorial authorities do not participate, this could prevent other communities from benefitting”

Minister Nanaia Mahuta

If you don’t all get vaxxed then others will not be protected.  (Oops, sorry, wrong post.)

If you don’t all get put into the WSE then others will not benefit.

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There are core components that must be implemented together – the first one mentioned is taking everything ‘water’ from Councils and transferring it to the WSE.

That was and is the basis of the whole boondoggle: there was never ever going to be an opt-out option. NEVER.

But it gets worse. They made the in-principle decision in 2020, so they have been lying and stringing us along for much longer.

em1ppemb0 2021-06-22 14:53:12

On July 10, 2020 Newsroom reported:

Screen grab, TheBFD

Lying toad! She had already had Cabinet agree in-principle that all the water stuff currently in the care of Councils would transfer to the WSE.

So far we are at page 30 of 76 from the June litany of lies and we have not even started on the 102 pages from July.
