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Sir Bob Jones

A thought-inducing story for gullible New Zealander’s appeared in Britain’s Financial Times.

It quoted Estonia’s attractive female Prime Minister Kaja Kallas saying, “lasting damage to western liberal democracies which adopted authoritarian measures during the pandemic could occur. Some countries had been slow to relax restrictions on free movement of people and goods, even as vaccination rates increased”.

She accused some countries of not returning the old liberties because “it’s more convenient this way”.

Never a truer word. Here in New Zealand we’re living in a hermit kingdom to an absurd degree. There’s a single reason for that, specifically the utterly inept Health Department’s failure to order vaccines. Less hogging the television by the scoutmasterish Ashley and more getting down to work a year back, would have seen us in a happier place.

Disappointingly, the government has lied about the situation. Start with then Health Minister Hipkins, nigh on a year ago, twice giving assurances we were at the head of the queue for vaccines, which I don’t doubt he was told by Health Department officials.

But instead of subsequently saying so, the government has made numerous, mostly meaningless imminent vaccination announcements, suggesting all is well. All is not well. We’ve vaccinated about 10% of our population.

A similar, almost as bad blunder, occurred in Australia but with a sharply different political response, namely a week back, Prime Minister Morrison apologising to the nation for his government’s slow-off-the-mark vaccine ordering blunder. That’s not just an honest response but a grown-up one.

When everything is done and dusted ultimately this disaster blocking New Zealand off from the world will sink in to voters and will be one of an increasing number of reasons I believe the government will be swept out of office in two years time, as I will explain on Thursday.

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