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Our Statements to the Royal Commission Team

It is a sad state of affairs when doctors feel they cannot speak out for fear of massive fines and/or suspension, despite the medical council providing no proof of harm to patients or the public.

Photo by Kristina Flour / Unsplash


New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) members, Drs Alison Goodwin, Matt Shelton and Cindy de Villiers presented to the first phase of the RCI on Tuesday 27 August 2024 in Wellington. Due to the terms of reference for the inquiry, we were unable to speak about what really concerns us, which is the damage done to New Zealanders by the government’s Covid response, in particular the use of the C-19 injections and mandated medical procedures.

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Drs Alison Goodwin, Matt Shelton and Cindy de Villiers outside the Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington.

We had initially declined to participate due to the list of exclusions, but, when we learned that the RCI was unaware of the way doctors had been silenced, censored and disciplined, we thought it might be worthwhile speaking about this travesty and how it affected doctors, patients and the public. We had hoped that some of our colleagues could join us but as only the three of us could participate, we presented short videos of doctors telling their stories and have provided the RCI with the ones we did not have time for.

It is our view that when doctors cannot provide their professional medical opinions freely without constraint or threat, patients and the public will be harmed. We believe that many New Zealanders have been significantly harmed due to the silencing of doctors. Furthermore, many doctors and other healthcare professionals suffered due to this silencing, some paying the ultimate price.  The New Zealand health care system is now in crises.

The information we presented is below. Some of the doctors have requested that their information is not available publicly and one person has asked for their details to be anonymised. These doctors are waiting the outcomes of tribunals, conduct committees and court hearings. It is a sad state of affairs when doctors feel they cannot speak out for fear of massive fines and/or suspension, despite the medical council providing no proof of harm to patients or the public.

NZDSOS Presents Our Statements to the Royal Commission Inquiry Team

Investigated Doctor

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Join us in our quest to #stopthesilence and help doctors provide true health care to you, your family and all Kiwis. 

Further reading on the medical council:

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
