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Our Water Rights Have Been Stolen

water dew
Photo by Zoltan Tasi. The BFD

So: they’ve done it.

If there’s anyone left that didn’t believe this is the most arrogant, despicable and anti-democratic government our deteriorating country has ever endured, they have their proof now with the Water Services Entities Amendment act. The mongrels have now claimed, seized, appropriated, call it what you like: stolen the rights to all water, in all its many forms, in any amount, anywhere in the country, inshore and offshore, and placed themselves, their pet ‘entities’, and a certain subset of the population in the dominant position of controlling it, charging for it, allocating it, and determining who has access to it.

They have no shame. None.

‘Three Waters’: what a joke; a dirty, dirty joke. It’s not, and never was, about waste, storm and fresh water. I’d say the 3-Waters propaganda was a snow job but snow’s a form of water too and therefore they have rights to it. But credit where it’s due: it’s Nanaia Mahuta’s masterpiece in mendacity, so successful our marvellous media haven’t even noticed the huge turd in the pool. They haven’t blinked an eye.

Just to bring you up to speed: Mahuta, at the very last minute, slipped in a supplementary order (No 306, 2022) on the night the Water Services (3 Waters) Bill became law. 306 broadened, hugely, the scope of the act, re-defining water as “water (as that term is defined in section 2(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991)”, which is this:

Image Credit: idbkiwi

I commented angrily at the time, and some of you wags joked that, at least, the water in the tank above the dunny was safe from claim due to exclusion (c). Think again, read it and weep: they’ve claimed the khazi cistern too, as of yesterday, under Comrade Kieran’s changes.

Image Credit: idbkiwi

So now, thanks to the communist gits slothing around our halls of power, and especially the ‘Labour Maori Caucus’ and, it’s got to be said, a lack of opposition, along with a brain-dead mainstream media, these new ‘entities’ have rights to it all, including your cup of tea, and your paddling pool, because ‘mana’. What a joke, a bad, bad joke.

We must get these goons gone from parliament. Otherwise, we’re all down the gurgler.
