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Out with Weather Events, In with Settled Science


Having watched TV One News on Tuesday night I was confronted with the cataclysmic disclosure that it was no longer possible to plan a prolonged future due to the world exploding from uncontrollable combustion and then having all its hard work extinguished by substantive flooding! My first thought was “swings and roundabouts” but the newsreader and the multitude of pop up experts were not smiling. Their sombre reportage left us in no doubt, it could already be too late.

I have never witnessed such a choreographed presentation of well-rehearsed pessimistic garbage in my entire life, and they had the audacity to call it “News”.

So some blokes and some blokesses from the UN have been staring at their computers and have settled the science for good! I guess they are working for very little, or nothing at all, as there is no point in them saving for the future. But my beef is with TV One. That was not “News”. It was a diabolical manipulative load of selective hogwash with the sole purpose of scaring the bejesus out of the vulnerable. If they haven’t got a large proportion of their employees cringing with embarrassment, I would be very surprised.

So TV One, let’s talk floods. Real news not a figment of your imagination.

1863: “Flood Kills twenty four in Central Otago after twenty four hours of heavy rain”.
1868: “Killer Storm Sweeps Country, Forty People Die”.
1878: “Great Flood hits South Island, Four Dead”.
1938: “Kopuawhara Flood Kills twenty one”.
1984: “Floods Devastate Southland”.
1988: “Cyclone Bola Strikes”.

So as is clearly shown “weather events” have a history of turning up when nature chooses, not when socialist climate scientists predict.

So the ocean is rising? Since the late 1880s, sea level has been steadily rising around New Zealand at an “average” of nearly 1.8 mm per year (that’s 7 inches, per century) – NIWA. So those of you living by the beach it is likely you will have three to four hundred years before you have to raise your slippers from the bottom step to the next higher. So NZ is getting warmer, yes it is. 1.10°C over the last hundred years – NIWA.

In fact, where I’m sitting the temperature has risen by a frightening 4° in the last four hours! So I’m sure I will be acclimatised to accommodate an average 4° rise by the year 2500. Yesterday I survived global warming on steroids from 0° to 16°. Clearly I’m made of sterner stuff. Please grow up, TV One. It is bad enough having a PM treating us like halfwits.

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