The Legacy Media Never Learn
NZ First banking much-earned media as the Green immigrant MPs howl in outrage.
NZ First banking much-earned media as the Green immigrant MPs howl in outrage.
That a New Zealand MP could advocate for views so inimical to our history, economy and culture is not perhaps surprising given the ‘diversity’ of our MMP system.
The Greens are the most sanctimonious and hypocritical of any party currently in parliament. Their record speaks for itself, yet they still want us to take them seriously.
The forlorn hope of her appeal has failed: her convictions stand. Justice Venning was having none of her womble excuses.
If nothing else then I suppose we can give the Greens points for their entertainment value.
As predicted Darleen Tana is slowly dismantling the previous impervious aura of The Greens
We are seeing a masterclass in the slow ritual humiliation of the Greens by Darleen Tana.
The Greens’ clown show and circus act staggers on for a few more weeks. Reports show supermarkets are having a run on popcorn.
Cam speaks with guests Chris Trotter about the Green Party and Alwyn Poole about the appalling state of education in New Zealand.