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letter to the editor letters

19 October 2022

Dear Editor

The sorry excuse we currently have for a government is hell-bent on taking us down a path of racial division by creating one extremely privileged Maori class with the rest of New Zealanders in the other class.

I am well aware of my many character defects and numerous personal faults but is that the reason why this Government feels my cousin and a number of my friends should have more political say, better access to health care and elective surgery, an easier threshold to higher education, preferential employment throughout the civil service, massively greater say and control over all natural resources and control and the right to veto decisions over the conservation estate?

And now to cap it off in their consultation document for their nonsense fart tax on livestock farmers, they are proposing to exempt Maori farmers from having to pay. I knew this was probably going to happen as in their equally stupid Zero Carbon Bill they have (Sect. 3 I think) provided the legislation for mitigating any adverse effects that implementation may have on Maori. Seeing it actually written down as a serious proposition was still a shock. Mind you I should be immune by this stage.

If it’s not my many personal faults that are prompting this pathway to apartheid then why are they doing it?

I used to think that it was simply plain old corruption with the government paying off its election bribes to the Ratana Church and the Maori Caucus.  Now I’m not so sure, as you would think that there must be one or two Labour MPs who are concerned enough about the future of their children and grandchildren to put aside their comfortable well-paid position to object and even cross the floor.

But no: no objection there, so do these clowns actually believe the slanted, sanitised, selective nonsense history that is being pushed by the Iwi Elite, the Maori Caucus and their cringing apologist white acolytes?

Even if they do believe, what makes them think they can objectively judge the actions, values and prevailing attitudes of the past by viewing history through their rose-tinted glasses of today? And even more puzzling is what makes them think that Maori in the past were treated worse than say the Irish or the Scottish tenant farmers or the English labourers during that same period in history?

So presuming they do believe Maori were terribly treated, what makes our numbskull government think they can atone for the past by creating huge privileges and providing huge extra benefits at the expense of the rest of us, for some of the descendants? None of them is within a generation of the supposed ill-treatment, and all of them have enjoyed the same standard (or greater) of government support and opportunities enjoyed by the rest.

Why is this happening? Hopefully someone a lot smarter than I can explain what the driver is here.

Ken Millward
