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Police Minister Poto Williams. Image credit The BFD.

Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand Inc.

Sporting Shooters Assn has called for the police minister to resign over what they see as total mismanagement of her role.
President, Chaz Forsyth, says the new rules and regulations under her watch are totally unmanageable for legal and licensed gun owners, and the gangs continue to run riot. “She is totally out of touch. The facts are there, gang violence is increasing. She says 700 new Police have been put into fighting the gangs, but in reality, it is 320.”

He goes on to point out that the gangs are importing their own weapons and are even making some. “Our borders are wide open and organised crime has guns pouring into the country, and no one is doing anything about it. They are even making guns in workshops and on 3D printers”

Forsyth adds that the gun laws that came into effect after the Christchurch massacre were simply knee jerk and to make our government look good in international eyes.
“How will the surrendering of a huge range of legal guns stop someone who isn’t even a New Zealander committing such a terrible act?”

He says a register of all legal guns will not work either. “All that will do is give the Police more to do and cost the enthusiast more money. The minister has no idea about how the 240,000 gun owners already look after their guns and are dedicated to keeping them safe.” To have a minister of Police who is so far out of touch is itself a crime, Forsyth says.

“She is there as a leader, not a figurehead. The Police having to implement the new laws and collect the new fees are already totally snowed under, let them do their job and let the hunters and sports folk enjoy their sport.”

The Police portfolio is a very important one and should be taken as such by the government. “Bottom line is, Poto Williams should resign the position and let someone who is competent take over.”
