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reading tea leaves tea cup

Over at the blog Sam White has been reading our political tea leaves.

[…] Have you noticed that intolerant leftist grip over everything? On politics, culture, comedy, whether or not it’s acceptable to listen to Morrissey? Well, the patterns at the bottom of my china tell me that while that politically correct, new left orthodoxy is layered over everything […]

I had another cup and asked to see what was going on with the right-wing, and here’s what was revealed: Despite being battered relentlessly in the ‘culture wars’, and caving and capitulating and conforming at every critical moment, the right—along with those who aren’t quite on the right but certainly aren’t on side with wokism—still keeps doing something of far greater significance than, for example, dictating what jokes it is and isn’t acceptable to laugh at. Specifically: the right and its allies keep winning elections.

The National party need to take note of this fact as new face Luxon could just as easily run for Labour as for  National which should not be seen as a good thing. The ACT party and the New Conservatives are currently gaining ground because they are prepared to put a stake in the ground and stand for something.

Even now, with the woke left at its zenith, and with hardly a true conservative in sight (and those that there are subject to abuse and smears), still, the right can take majorities of votes.
And that’s not all. The right tends to outwit new-left arguments online, while the left resorts to censorship.

The right deals in what are regarded as common sense perceptions, while the new-left believes the world to be populated by genderless blank slates. And while the left unites behind a rainbow flag on a Budweiser cup, the right convenes behind the somewhat more commanding flag of the nation state itself.

[…] the right is currently harbouring an enormous sense of grievance.
Is the sense of grievance justified?
That doesn’t matter. All that is of consequence is that it exists, and it’s a driving, slow-burning, accumulating force.
And there’s something else the right has too, something underpinning all of this: a numerical advantage.

A couple of weeks ago Naval Ravikant appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience, and during his interview said the following […]
The left won the culture war and now they’re just driving round picking off survivors.
It’s a great line and a striking image, and at the time I thought it was accurate, but actually, I’ve changed my mind now. […]

Rather than being dead or dying, the right has effectively been in hiding […] But present, nonetheless, and in numbers. And now that the new Maoist left’s antics have reached such a provocative, puffed up, smug and intolerable pitch, it’s starting to look like the right can’t help but wake up and react. As in, not just a fringe, but with purpose. It’s been a long time coming, but the drugs are wearing off and the fortress door creaks open.
[…] The left is currently so emboldened and wrapped up in itself that not only are milkshakes thrown at right-wingers in the street, but this is then cheered on by mainstream commentators and—get this—fast food chains.

[…] The left hasn’t been picking off survivors at all, it’s been prodding people with sticks. And prodding them some more. And sharpening the sticks. And prodding. And following that up with some sharpening and prodding.

[…] the left-wing cultural hegemony, is unsustainable, unhealthy, and stifling. Too many people have had as much of it as they can take. Too many people want to see the back of the liberal priesthood.

I know that I have had enough. Conservative voices are being censored, threatened, boycotted and deplatformed. There is a quiet but growing anger festering under the surface. Around the world, right-wing and conservative parties are being voted into power. Why should New Zealand be any different? Many of us are angry and we have had enough. The National party can no longer expect us to hold our noses and vote for them. They need to give us a reason to support them. They need to stand for something.


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