A frightening day that shook many to the core and from which they haven’t fully recovered...The crisis they faced and its consequences were incalculable. The people affected could hardly express or grasp the depths of personal despair. On Tuesday 15 November 2021, Jacinda Ardern, the former prime minister segregated Kiwis into two classes of people. It sounds simple, but it was sinister and tore people apart. There were people who obeyed her ruling and others who refused to obey. The date has become etched in the minds of those who said, ‘No’.
You must have a Covid-19 jab to keep your job. No ifs or buts. This is how it is. If you refuse, you will be punished. Your job is over. (Paraphrased)
New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science (NZDSOS), held Red Remembrance Days throughout NZ. On 16 November, in the sunshine in the heart of Mt Maunganui, many gathered to recall that dreadful day three years ago. We remembered, listened and heard of trauma and the ruin of people’s lives.
Ardern followed through with her threat. The enforced segregation went ahead and set people against each other. We heard stories of families who lost connections with others and who no longer meet or talk to each other and don’t even get together for Christmas anymore. People don’t trust their doctors, employers, government, etc. People are still upset with each other. A number shared how they did not want the Covid-19 jab but to keep their job they succumbed and have regretted it as they suffered vaccine injuries, became seriously unwell and can no longer work. Many were fired from their jobs and lost incomes, homes and businesses. People have died from the Covid jab and we held a minute’s silence remembering them.
Members from the Good Oil Tauranga Sump attended, in support of those who have been affected and in appreciation for the NZDSOS members. The Good Oil has never censored the stance and/or the decision people made over this issue, unlike what the mainstream media did continuously. They have always published the NZDSOS articles and letters.
Dr Rene de Monchy, psychiatrist, spoke of what people have been through. He talked about three C’s: Conscience, (non)Conformity and Courage. He explained that those who stood against the government’s edicts had a conscience, knowing something didn’t add up. They knew science is never settled and questioned deceptions. They are the people strong enough to not go with the masses. Now we all need courage. Courage to speak up about the truth and to carry on.
Two very worthwhile hours. Thank you NZDSOS for all you do.

See here https://goodoil.news/the-day-kiwis-were-fired/ for previous article when NZDSOS Remembrance Anniversary Day was held at the Mt in 2022.
See here https://goodoil.news/adios-aotearoa-hola-mexico/ for a midwife’s story.