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black man riding horse emboss-printed mail box
Photo by Kirsty TG. The BFD.

October 27th, 2021.

It’s time to give a review of New Zealand from afar.

Or as we have to call it from now on, New Xi-Land, in deference to our overseas controllers.

We have to accept that Jacinda is not dim. She may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but don’t make the mistake of regarding her as thick. She has some intelligence. The problem is that she is misusing it and doesn’t have the ability to think things through.

She is focused on one thing and one thing only, and that is social reconstruction. She has used the Covid crisis to deflect from her objectives of social change and to make a power grab that will be difficult to reverse.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

She has gained control of the media, which is often the bellwether of a country’s health, but in NZ it is only social media and New Media like The BFD that are presentng a different view from the government-assisted MSM.

I am reminded of a classmate at university who was a psychologist and replied to a question in the annual course review. Being reviewed was one particularly poor lecturer who was domineering and typical of American universities. Due to her trying to give assignment marks for such things as punctuality, she ended up at odds with the Kiwi culture.  My classmate was asked what her opinion of lecturer X was and killed her career with the response, “would that be a personal or a clinical opinion?” I feel it would be rewarding to ask the same question of Jacinda Ardern.

In the UK, the media and politicians are falling out of love with our PM. Social media especially is becoming increasingly vociferous and quite biting in its analysis of Ms Ardern, and some politicians have voiced quite strong opinions about what Ardern has done to the free, liberal democracy that was New Zealand. This was voiced in a debate in the House of Lords with a speaker expressing sadness at what New Zealand was becoming. She expressed dismay that New Zealand was becoming a two-layer society – vaxxed and non-vaxxed – and this was bound to foment discord.

I try hard not to get swayed by conspiracy theories, but there is something going on in New Zealand that is unhealthy from both a political point of view and a sociological aspect. It is disheartening to see society slowly crumbling as the divide between Maori and non-Maori widens. Whilst it is being exploited by activists, there appears to be tacit encouragement from the government. They must know what is happening and seem to be allowing it to develop under cover of Covid restrictions.

Jacinda to Tiki. Concept credit Juana. Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

The government has set a target of 90% vaccinations before restrictions are eased. This is a difficult and high target almost impossible to achieve and will allow restrictions to be continued and civil liberties curtailed ad infinitum until they become the accepted norm.

I cannot believe the spurious arguments being used to support the social engineering being put in place, and in time they will become permanent. I find it repugnant that change is creeping into society in insidious ways without the right of the population to object. Small things, such as the government referring to “Aotearoa New Zealand” on official documents without a mandate from the majority of the people, are deceitful, dishonest, disrespectful and rude.

The way the police have been used to manage the Covid regulations is heavy-handed and wrong, and it will be difficult to get the police to accept a return to non-aggressive policing.

I am currently involved in working with an internationally renowned academic agency on the study of conflict and I fear for New Zealand’s future. As each day passes, the precursors needed to be in place before civil conflict begins are becoming more and more prevalent. This isn’t happening in a vacuum. Someone is encouraging this without considering the forces that will be unleashed.

Finally, on a personal note – what sort of society is it that allows a citizen to be stuck overseas for 18 months unable to get an MIQ place to return home?

To appropriate words from Alan Paton, “Cry my beloved country.”
