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Report Claims Muslims Likely Early Targets of Woke Hate Speech Law

man in white dress shirt holding black and yellow book
Photo by Masjid Pogung Dalangan. The BFD.

Free Speech Union

The Free Speech Union welcomes the report by Newsroom of internal government worries about lack of ‘authenticity’ and ‘inclusion’ in its consultation on their hate speech law changes. That is reassuring to the Union, who has claimed from the beginning that a rushed process where the Minister of Justice was missing in action was never going to be enough, says Stephen Franks, spokesperson for the Free Speech Union.

‘Muslim concern is very understandable, and reiterates the sentiments of other minorities we have spoken with. The report echos earlier indications. Though these changes claim to be in minority’s interests, in fact, these groups are likely to be prime targets of the end of freedom of speech. Clearly, many of them recognise that.

“It is extremely likely that promoting conservative Muslim beliefs on homosexuality, the place of women in society, or Sharia law punishments (such as the death penalty in certain instances)  must surely be declared hate speech within a short time. Hate speech laws are being used in the UK to arrest and charge people who express unfashionable views, such as on gender issues.

“The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) said regarding this issue that a “dysfunctional process of engagement” meant there was “insufficient time to make any truly meaningful response” to the proposals. For Muslims, it must be infuriating to hear the Government claim to have consulted and to be protecting them, when they are one of the most likely targets of Police suppression.

“The Free Speech Union believes a free society deals with ideas considered hateful through debate and reason, protecting the debaters on both sides from any threats of violence or other coercion. It will be of no comfort to anyone losing their centuries old freedom of speech that those said to be the beneficiaries of an abuse of power by the Government will in fact be the most likely new victims.”

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