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Waitangi Day. A national holiday for New Zealand and a quick passing nod to the signing of the Treaty, for most Kiwis.

Then there’s the politics… and the media.

According to MSM Kiwis are really racist. Are we? Where’s the evidence for this?

In recent months right-wing extremists have targeted Maori gatherings, forcing a change in protocol or tikanga. […]

“Research tells us that this is driven by a small number, very well-resourced, out of the United States and absolutely determined to shut down indigenous people throughout the world,” Professor Mutu said.

Sound familiar? That was said of protesters at parliament, too. Did we ever see any proof of these “well-resourced” overseas stirrers?

After mentioning a recent Human Rights Commission report discussing concerns about racism and ‘white supremacy’, the article finishes with an interesting quote from Kiri Allan:

“Nobody wants to live in a country where racism underpins the way that policy is made in Aotearoa. We as a government are committed to that,” Minister Allan said.

Good. I hope she means it, because a lot of policy being pushed through now IS particularly divisive and MSM is enjoying stirring the pot.

Discuss it on The BFD.


How Dare They Honour Their Promises!

How Dare They Honour Their Promises!

You know that things are seriously awry in modern media when an old warhorse journalist lambasts the government for doing the unspeakable – honouring election promises. Yet here we are.

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