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Road Maggots Throw Tanty After Bishop Says ‘Make Cycle Lanes Compulsory’

The magpie swoops for us all.

Oh no! Road maggots, I mean ‘cycling enthusiasts‘, are up in arms over National MP Chris Bishop’s suggestion that cycle lanes be made compulsory. A suggestion which really is a bit of a no-brainer, but still, road maggots are angry. One News reports.

Cycling advocates are furious at National Party suggestions they should be forced to stay in cycle lanes.
[…]National’s Transport spokesperson Chris Bishop is taking a firm hand.
“National proposes that in areas where separated cycleways exist, cyclists must use them or else they will receive a fine.
[…]But Cycling Action Network’s Patrick Morgan says the move is punitive.
“Frankly I’m surprised and disappointed at this idea – more punitive measures which are a barrier to people riding bikes,” he says.

Yes, because you know making cycle lanes compulsory somehow prevents people cycling.

[…]“Motorists do get annoyed when they see cyclists actually on the road as well when they could be using the dedicated cyleway, so I think this will be popular with motorists and I think it’ll be popular with cyclists as well,” he says.


But Patrick Morgan says it’s a divisive approach.
“The police must be rolling their eyes because they have better things to do than hassle people on bikes. I predict the police would really not do a lot of fining, instead this would just stir conflict and would empower people who for whatever reason are a bit frustrated that some people ride bikes on the road,” he says.

Here’s the thing. To self-entitled lycra-wearing road maggots cycle lanes are for “other” cyclists. You know, the mom-and-pop types, kids etc. Pros stick to the road. Bishop’s suggestion is a no brainer but he could have gone a lot further. He could have demanded that road maggots start paying for cycle lanes like motorists pay for roads. Then we would have seen a real road maggot meltdown.


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