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Labour MP Kieran McAnulty is claiming a $36,400-a-year housing perk to rent property from his wife.

McAnulty owns a four-bedroom, $655,000 home in Masterton.

When Parliament is in session he stays at a flat in Lower Hutt, owned by his wife Gia Garrick, for which he claims the accommodation allowance.

McAnulty said his Masterton home, which he has owned for two years, is a 1 hour 40 minute drive from Parliament. “Yes I do claim it, like many others.”

Since October, he has claimed $12,067.

“For most of my time as an MP I used the allowance to rent a small flat in Wellington. Now when Parliament is sitting I stay in Petone. I got married in January … The flat was purchased by my now wife before we were married.”

“I do not own the flat, nor am I on the mortgage. The registrar of pecuniary interests advised me I’m not required to declare the flat but I declared it in the interests of transparency. I pay my share to stay there when Parliament sits.”


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