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Russell Brand ‘Censored on Youtube’

Youtube application
Photo by NordWood Themes

Catherine Salgado

Catherine Salgado is a Staff Writer with Media Research Center’s NewsBusters’ Free Speech America. She also has a column, Washington’s Bayonette, on The Rogue Review and her own SubStack newsletter, Pro Deo et Libertate. Catherine previously wrote for The National Pulse and is a graduate of Christendom College with a degree in Classical Languages and Theology.

After commentator Russell Brand tweeted about being “censored on YouTube,” nationally syndicated radio talk show host Dan Bongino invited Tesla CEO Elon Musk to join alternative video platform Rumble.

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Russell Brand tweeted a video on Sept. 27 with the comment, “I’ve been censored on Youtube.” In the video, Brand said, “We have been officially censored by YouTube. They took down one of our videos for ‘misinformation,’ but why are Big Media organizations not censored for misinformation in the same way? Is it because YouTube [is] part of the mainstream media now?” Brand said he is moving his streaming and video content to Rumble.

Brand said he did a video about “changing narratives around COVID[-19], the pandemic and COVID treatments.” Brand said he cited information from official government websites. YouTube censored the video, according to a screenshot displayed by Brand.

Replying to Brand’s tweet, Elon Musk tweeted, “Good point.” Dan Bongino then encouraged Elon Musk to join Rumble as well. Musk is currently in a legal battle about his proposed purchase of Twitter to make it more pro-free speech

“Elon, It would be really incredible if you and Rumble got together. A force multiplier like no other,” Bongino tweeted. Musk simply responded, “I’m a little preoccupied rn.”

YouTube quietly updated its draconian COVID-19 misinformation policy recently, tacitly admitting it had been wrong to censor some content about masks and vaccines. YouTube’s rank hypocrisy was on display in its recent update of its policies. It removed or edited standards that had been used to censor and remove content, besides allowing leftist media to spread false statements on the platform.

Brand said he does have a responsibility to ensure that what he says on YouTube is accurate, and noted that his language in the censored video was slightly inaccurate in one instance; he said, “recommending” instead of “trialling.”

He then called out YouTube for hypocrisy. Brand juxtaposed how he said YouTube treated his video to how the platform treated MSNBC host Rachel Maddow for comments on COVID-19. Maddow falsely claimed in a YouTube video, “Now we know that the [COVID] vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them.” Even NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that individuals can still get infected with COVID-19 after they’ve been vaccinated. The CDC also says, “People who are vaccinated may still get COVID-19.”

The MSNBC clip is still available and uncensored on YouTube. It merely has a label from YouTube linked to the “latest information from the CDC” on the COVID-19 vaccines.

Brand said that being “censored on YouTube” for a “relatively minor error” is the reason he is making the move to Rumble. The video is available on Brand’s Rumble channel.
