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Sadiq Khan Is Following Big Brother’s Game Plan

Khan’s co-religionists have a bit of a thing for destroying the relics of greater civilizations than theirs’.

“One could not learn history from architecture any more than one could learn it from books. Statues, inscriptions, memorial stones, the names of streets – anything that might throw light upon the past had been systematically altered” –

George Orwell, 1984.

Ingsoc is real. Airstrip One is falling ever-further under the watchful eye of Big Brother.

The left really are treating Orwell’s magnum opus as an instruction manual rather than the warning it was intended to be. London Mayor Sadiq Khan is following to the letter the Party’s dictum that “Who controls the past controls the future.”

Landmarks and statues across the capital will be reviewed to ensure they reflect London’s diversity, Mayor Sadiq Khan’s office has said.

The move comes after protesters tore down a statue of slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol over the weekend amid Black Lives Matter protests.

Over the weekend graffiti was scrawled on the Sir Winston Churchill statue in Parliament Square with concerns raised over the former Prime Minister’s views.

Like the Red Guards of the last Cultural Revolution, these violent children are too stupid and ignorant to even understand what they’re tearing down. Rioters also vandalised a statue of Queen Victoria, declaring her a “racist” and “slave owner”.

Victoria was born four years after slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire. She also had a black god-daughter – Sara Forbes Bonetta, freed from slavery in Benin by a British naval captain.

But the BLM mobs are as blind to history as Sadiq Khan is to epidemic knife crime.

Little Sadiq has even come up with a splendidly Orwellian name for his committee of Memory-Holers.

Statues, murals, street art and street names will all be reviewed by the new Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm who will also consider what should be celebrated before making recommendations.

But London Assembly Tories have hit out at the Mayor’s plans, accusing him of declaring war on the capital’s monuments.

Assembly Member Susan Hall said: “Sadiq Khan has declared war on the capital’s monuments.

“Instead of virtue signalling and starting a divisive debate, he should focus on his job.

“He can start by fixing the mess he made of TfL’s finances and getting our city moving safely again.”

In keeping with his 1984 vibe, Khan is also capable of some stunning doublethink.

The Mayor of London said: “It is an uncomfortable truth that our nation and city owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade […] This cannot continue.”

Cool story, bro. Now, let’s see you apply the same rigorous standards to certain religious prophets who also made their money from trading slaves – and whose followers are largely responsible for keeping slavery alive in the modern world. Including open slave markets in places like Libya.

After all, you wouldn’t want anyone thinking this is nothing but a blatant attempt to erase Britain’s history and culture, would you?

We’ve seen this mania for smashing the past before. The BFD.

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