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Vision New Zealand

Leader of Vision New Zealand, Hannah Tamaki, says the Refresh of Sexuality and Gender Curriculum now being pushed through our education curriculum and management of schools HAS GONE TOO FAR. “This is not education this is indoctrination of our children with liberal ideologies that 69 per cent of New Zealand parents strongly rejected in a recent nationwide poll.”

“That’s why Vision NZ, along with thousands of mums and dads, grandparents and families [took to] Queen Street [on Saturday] to make it clear that we are ‘fed up’ with being bullied by the Ministry of Education. We are the parents, not them,” says Hannah Tamaki. Vision NZ [was] supported by Freedoms NZ Political Umbrella Party, recently registered with the Electoral Commission on 16th March, NNP political party, The Tutangata Motor Cycle Club, Man Up New Zealand, members of the Christian community and The Freedoms and Rights Coalition […]

“While Kiwis have been concerned with getting their children back into the rhythm of school, and coping with a crippling cost of living crisis, this Government has been in the back room taking advantage of the situation and meddling with our curriculum. Well, not on my watch.”

Vision NZ says the curriculum has GONE TOO FAR when:

  • 4.4 per cent of the population are calling the shots in the future of our children’s education
  • When our children are being taught there are over 100 different genders they can identify with
  • When there are ONLY two genders, male and female
  • When schools are encouraged to keep a child’s gender identity secret from his or her parents
  • It’s gone too far when a boy can identify as a female and walk in to a female toilet or changing room at school
  • It’s gone too far when a transgender male can now compete against a woman in sport
  • It’s gone too far when drag queens are having special story times for toddlers and intermediate students in our council-owned, tax payer funded libraries

Vision New Zealand believes that adults do have their own personal freedom and right to decide how they conduct themselves in private, but individual private choices should not be forced on everyone else in the public domain, and most certainly not on our innocent children.

“This has got to stop and that is why Vision NZ is will be introducing policy to protect our kids and empower our families.”
