The motivations and tactics of an ultra-wealthy minority bent on governing the world have been laid bare in Climate Hustle 2, a film just released on-line. What began in 1968 as the Club of Rome with a campaign to limit world population growth, found in 1988 that they could use a threat of dangerous man-made global warming (DAGW) to achieve their aims. This would be done by establishing an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) within the United Nations Organisation.
The history of all this is covered by Climate Hustle 2 (hereinafter CH2). American actor Kevin Sorbo is a compelling narrator, and, together with one of the film’s creators, Marc Morano (director of Climate Depot, part of the US organisation, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow – CFact), they debunk the junk science on which the climate change swindle is based. They are aided by a number of highly qualified independent scientists having impeccable qualifications in meteorology, geology and physics.
What this cabal launches is increasingly being recognised as the largest and most complex financial and control swindle in world history. The campaign had to change its name from “global warming” to “climate change” early in the new millennium when the warming from an unusually active El Niño of the late 1990s turned into prolonged cooling. Poster-boy for the swindle was Al Gore, former Vice-President of the US, who in 2006 introduced his film An Inconvenient Truth, which had world-wide screenings and provided momentum for the IPCC to promote climate alarmism – based on computer projections.
What I found most interesting was their accounts of how and why the IPCC was founded by a wannabe “climate monarchy” whose initial plan, until the COVID-19 pandemic came along, was to use “global warming” adversity as a tool to grab control of world governance. CH2 covered this more fully and clearly than anything I have seen or read since my conversion to ‘climate skepticism’ in 2006,
So, who are these wannabe “monarchs”? As San Francisco broadcaster and former meteorologist Brian Sussman says in CH2:
“It’s a number of players. You have very, very wealthy, elitist individuals like your George Soros. You have politicians around the world who also believe this. You have very wealthy foundations with huge endowments that are behind this. You have our colleges and universities, some of those with large endowments as well.[…] People leading the charge with the environmental movement, climate change, global warming, they’re progressives politically. What is a progressive? A progressive is someone who thinks that Marx had a few good ideas at the end of the day […] It’s not about fresh air. It’s not about clean water. It’s about a political agenda that is meant to hammer America first […] So, their agenda: shakedown corporations, use governments to distribute money to the ends of the earth, and at the same time have ever increasing laws and regulations to keep the people under their thumb.”
Or as Canadian author Mark Steyn puts it:
“Al Gore and John Kerry and the Prince of Wales they want to return us to an Age of Kings in which they fly around from one climate conference to another and the rest of us are just contained within our carbon allowance which if we’re lucky will enable us to take a long weekend for a fishing trip somewhere once a year.”
Narrator Kevin Sorbo describes it:
“Climate elites tell us the scientific debate is over and that we’re headed for an environmental catastrophe. As we’ve seen, many prominent scientists point to the data which refutes this claim. Yet Hollywood celebrities, politicians and the media demand we listen to them, even if they themselves will not make the same sacrifices. What the climate royalty is in effect telling us is be good subjects, shut up, don’t ask questions, follow orders. Of course, this sort of blind obedience is not just practiced by tyrannical monarchies it is also eerily reminiscent of George Orwell’s famous book 1984.”
Other comments:
Lord Monckton, former adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher:
“Are they creating effectively a new climate monarchy with a new aristocracy? […] It would give them more money and more power, if the United Nations were able to get to the climate treaty through. They tried in Copenhagen. They wanted a global government. They used the word government in the draft. Now they’re more coy and more careful. They’re calling it a governing body […] You have no freedom you have no control over the political process, you are a mere drone […] What they will do – they’ve already begun doing it – they’ve established 1000 new bureaucracies which are the sinews of this new global government and these bureaucracies will act with the savagery and arrogance and ability to pre-empt on the resources of the people to order them about; eventually put them on trial that monarchs of old use to do. And they will have far greater power than any monarch because of the absolute control over people that a modern bureaucracy has through modern methods of record-keeping and communication is terrifying and that’s what they’re trying to impose on us.”
Author, the late Michael Crichton:
“Environmental thinking is a view that there used to be a sort of Eden. And then people came and ruined that Eden. And that we are therefore sort of original sinners because we’re destroying this planet, and what we can do, however, is get salvation through sustainability. And if you’re a good person, you’ll seek salvation, and if you’re a bad person you’ll drive SUVs.”
Australian Federal Senator, Malcolm Roberts:
“It’s a scam, it is nothing short of a scam. It’s been going on now for about 40 years, started by Maurice Strong from Canada. It’s part of the U.N, it’s part of the U.N’s agenda for 21st century global governance and they’re just trying to erode sovereignty and take control of each of the countries through their energy policies and their finance policies […] Maurice Strong made that very clear, many times, before he died in 2015, he said all along through his rampage through the U.N., he said he has two aims one is to install an unelected global socialist government, governance and the other one was to deindustrialize western civilization […] The whole global warming agenda is based on control: control of science, control of energy, control of policy. So what it ends up meaning is that a core group call all the shots and the rest just follow through like sheep.”
Voice over narration tells us:
“Of course, whipping the populace up to achieve a political end is not unique to tyrannical monarchies. Dictatorships and totalitarians have also employed this method. Vaclav Klaus, the former President of the Czech Republic, lived under Soviet domination of his country and he sees many parallels to the modern environmental movement.”
Vaclav Klaus:
“What are the similarities between the old Communist-like, Communist- type of central planning and environmentalism? In both cases, they want – “they” – they want to dictate the economy […] In August 1968, I was at that moment a hopeful, young, academician in the Czechoslovakia Academy of Sciences Institute of Economics. So, I was labelled the leading anti-Marxist and the leading anti-socialist. So I was not able to teach. I was not allowed for 20 years to enter a classroom. I was not allowed to publish—well, to speak about books.”
Mr Klaus sees parallels to the climate movement of today:
“I’m afraid that there are new ‘-isms’ which are more and more dangerous than the last era. And I put on the first place that definitely one ‘ism’ called environmentalism or global warming alarmism […] Our life in Communism increased our sensitivity to all ways, all endangering of freedom and democracy in the world and therefore I am so active against any other ideology such as global warming alarmism, and environmentalism which is killing freedom, democracy, prosperity.[…] The green agenda and the environmentalist agenda and the fighting climate agenda is trying to basically stop the existence of the free market system which we were fighting for and we were dreaming about in the Communist era for decades. This is the way to the end of freedom. This is the way to a brave new world of the future. The brave new world of dictatorship and totalitarianism.”
Also featuring in CH2 is Danish economist Professor Bjorn Lomborg, saying:
“The climate treaty that we agreed in Paris is an incredibly expensive way to do almost no good. If everyone does what they promised, and remember the track record ain’t all that good, but if everyone does all they promised and do it all the way through the century, we’ll reduce temperatures by the end of the century by zero point 3 degrees Fahrenheit. You won’t be able to measure it in a hundred years, and yet the costs will be somewhere between a trillion and two trillion a year.”
Summing it all up, Marc Morano says:
“So, this is what it all comes down to: a climate monarchy. Leaders living one way with a lavish lifestyle – while the public – let’s call them the masses – live a life of deprivation and limits. Politicians deciding and determining our economic and energy choices in order to prevent an alleged climate;’ crisis.”
But how, you may ask, can they possibly get all the countries to willingly agree to give up their sovereignty? That is answered in the film by Carl Beisner, who in 2016 said:
“If you can identify a threat that is global and then say we can only respond adequately to that threat with regulations that go across national borders, now you have a rationale for global government.”
(Having been pre-warned by mates overseas of the premiere screenings of “Climate Hustle 2”, I was able to watch it on-line from my laptop. I am pleading with the makers to allow for further such streamings, for which there is naturally a charge to cover what must have been significant production costs. Alternatively, CH2 is available on DVD. Details here.
It’s a film every thinking New Zealander should see, especially with the prospect of the return of a government led by a former president of the International Union of Socialist Youth.)
Further detailed information about the origins of the climate scam can be found here.
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