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Sheriff Collins and the Asset Stripping Gang




I keep hearing the words the ‘WINDS of CHANGE’.  BURT from ‘MARY POPPINS’ soliloquies “Winds in the East, mist coming in, like something is brewin’, and ‘bout to begin. Can’t put my finger on what lies in store, But I fear what’s to happen all happened before.”

Remember the RED sea parted with winds from the East.

I declared last Sunday to be ‘STOP THE WEALTH TAX DAY’ in front of enthusiastic supporters at New Lynn. Yes TOVA I do have some, not only on Ponsonby Rd.

The median house price in Auckland these days is $1m. This means the ‘Wealth Tax’ will require the average person not just the wealthy to cough up this fine. This will apply to your business as well. If you are a couple with a $1m dollar home and $500,000 dollar business you can claim to have only $750,000 each being a couple and therefore won’t get caught by the ‘jealousy’ tax. But God help you if you have more than $1m assets in your business, you will be over the line, buddy.

If you become a widow or a widower, you will have to pay the full amount because you will be deemed to have a $1m or more ASSET because you haven’t got anyone to split it with. Doesn’t this seem crazy? It is a biblical injunction to help the widows, I presume this applies to widowers as well.

This is a BUST the BOOMERS move. CHLOE SWARBRICK the Greens candidate for Central Auckland has already called out “BOOMER” to an older member in parliament.

We know where she stands.

Surprise, surprise this won’t affect the non-boomers like CHLOE SWARBRICK as not many of them will have assets of $1m. The GREEN voters of Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and Herne Bay and the rest of Central Auckland will be happy to pay crushing taxes on their wealthy properties I’m sure just to prove a point. This will leave them paupers over time.

The GREEN-EYED GANG have already declared this is a bottom line for supporting Labour. The RED QUEEN says our scares of asset tax are just the “last roll of the dice of misinformation”. No, ACTUALLY it’s not. The GREENS have said it openly. And if past bullying is anything to go by we ended up with NO oil and gas exploration which was a complete shock to many. Are there more such nasty shocks in store?

Belatedly the CHAMELEON (Peters) has fastened onto this fact. He said it was a WITCHCRAFT election to GALLOPING GARNER (Garner). He said the WEALTH TAX was an ‘ASSET TAX’.

THE HOSK (Hosking):

The HOSK thinks the RED QUEEN’s popularity is being hyped up, particularly by TV Stations that have received the $50m grant. He said an aerial shot taken at a mall in Hamilton showed that not many people were actually there, it wasn’t the mobbing that the RED QUEEN was supposed to have received.

I’LL TELL YOU WHAT THOUGH, They can’t leave my religion alone can they? Now that they have found out I’ve got one. (CLEAR AS) Trevitt thinks that when my party took ‘the Hail Mary Pass’ to elect me as the leader, I took it literally, by being pictured praying in St Thomas’s. The CHAMELEON quotes Mathew 6v5: “Don’t pray as the hypocrites do”, that is openly. I’ve got one for him: Mathew 5v15. “Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, they light it and put it on a candlestick so that all men can see”.

R.I.P. Johnny Nash who wrote the song ‘I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW’ after a cataract eye operation. Hopefully the voters will take the hint.

I can see clearly now the rain has gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way,
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.Look around there is nothing but BLUE skies.
Look straight ahead there is nothing but BLUE skies.I can see clearly now the rain has gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way,
Here is the rainbow I’ve been praying for.It’s gonna be a bright,
Bright sunshiny day.

I bought a mug at the North Shore market that had written on it. “TALOFA, MY HUSBAND IS SAMOAN.”
My saying ‘TALOFA’ to show my Street Cred at the First debate seems to have caused all sorts of ructions.
Oscar Kightley parodied me at an evening in Wellington by saying “TALOFA,
I can say that because I’m Samoan.” I hope he was being ironic.

The TWERK (Seymour):

BEN THOMAS on the Nation said we will be asking ‘WHO ARE THEY?” When ACT’s people start filling the seats in parliament.


They were blocked from Facebook for 24 hours just as they were organizing their rally for Aotea Square last Saturday. Still, over 1,000 turned up.

ALFRED NGARO our list MP did not attend my rally in NEW LYNN though he is next door in TE ATATU. On Facebook he accused PHIL TWYFORD the member for TE ATATU of voting for Abortion and Cannabis.

The RED QUEEN wants us to focus on OBESITY in Aotearoa. I see it as a personal discipline problem for all of us to solve.
I hope that applies to this election.

Here’s lookin’ at you kid (Ardern)
Down the hatch,

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