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Sheriff Collins and the Ghost Riders

Sheriff tin star Marshall US



I shot the Sheriff but I swear it was in self defence,
I shot the Sheriff and they say it is a capital offenceI shot the sheriff but I did not shoot the deputy, Oh No!!Freedom came my way one day and I started out of town,
Reflexes got the better of me, and what is to be must be,I shot the sheriff but I did not shoot the deputy, Oh no!!

I’m the new Sheriff in town. They tried to shoot me down. It’s in my book. “Pull no Punches” and I won’t.

They say this job is a “poisoned chalice” but I don’t drink it I just give it to others.
My “double rule” is if you can’t get them to like you, get them to fear you.
It’s called “Savage Love”.

A couple of my “good Catholics” fell from grace this week.

It was all to do with the “Whisky Barrel Leak”, which was blamed on Missie Ardern but turned out to be a “Catholic plot”.
Guy Fawkes and all that. I wouldn’t call it the “gunpowder plot,” more like the “whisky plot.” Confessions were extracted.

There was more lyin’ than truthin’ going on.  It went on longer than Jesus was in the tomb and unfortunately for them did not have the same successful outcome.

I made one of them give his saddle-bags to Marshal Reti who is Maori, unlike Goldsmith. I managed to “kill two birds with the one stone” there.

I have been in the swamp a few times myself, where I have had to stay under water especially in that Northland bayou. Eventually I crawled out with my crocodile smile in place.

A few of my Marshals are leavin’ town to become “Ghost Riders in the Sky”.

Yippy Yi  Ooohhhh, Yippy Yi  Yeeeeeah, I hear their mournful cry, Trying to catch the devil’s herd across the endless sky. “Ghost Riders in the Sky”

The “Yak” is staying on in town though.

I’ve got Wyatt Earp as my new deputy.

Election for sheriff will be like the “Swinging Sixties” versus the “Roaring Forties”.
Experience over Kindy or maybe Cindy.

Let the gladiatorial female battle begin, let the victor take the spoils.

Yi ha!

Get out the red Bandanas again it’s safe to wear them.

Here’s looking at you kid! (Missie Ardern)

Yippee Yi Yo,
Punch and Judy.

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