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Sheriff Collins (Double Judy) & the Dirty Dairy Gang




What a DEMOLITION DERBY I did on the RED QUEEN in the Leader’s debate on TV ONE. Her CROWN is slipping as shown in the Colmar Brunton poll released just before the debate. As Shakespeare said ‘uneasy is the head that wears the CROWN.’
Most of the pundits next morning in the ‘FERALD’ agreed with me except for THE SHAMAN. ( Wilson )

She looked a National disgrace with those tangled black locks of hers compared to my shining blonde ‘Barnet’. It was ‘light versus ‘dark, wasn’t it? She thought she could get away with just stringing the usual slogans together, but came a cropper when she didn’t have the convincing data to back it up.

The Red Queen kept on twittering about renewables. Doesn’t she know this is only a topic for the ‘elites’? The average person just wants money in their ‘hip pockets’ and there has been a touch of arthritis in the pocket recently.

Ms. Ardern is making the ‘shower hose mistake’ that Helen Clark made. But I got her a good one when I said it was us who spearheaded our joining up to the Paris Accords.

Wasn’t I fortunate that the farmer from Matamata asked about farmer’s mental health? I pointed out that I was a child of dairy farmers from Matamata, so was qualified to talk about them.

Yes, farmers are loathe to mention that they are dairy farmers because of all the bullying that comes their way. Now that tourism is gone they are the backbone of this economy. People will always want to eat no matter what happens to COVID.

The Red Queen and her ilk are undermining them. This is ‘gross stupidity.’
She thinks the world is going to be impressed with her bullying of farmers.
A world-beater again just like her “elimination” of COVID. As long as she gets recognition from the UN or whoever, she is a happy bunny. Though when I mentioned my parents were farmers she made a faux pas by saying that era is over. This should inspire farmers’ with confidence.

(CLEAR AS) Trevett says MS. ARDERN fell into the trap of the repeated use of jargon such as “infrastructure deficits,” “pipelines” and “double duty infrastructure”. Then she came out with “pump-hydro”. This earned her my sideways sneer. What planet is she on?

What do these phrases mean to the average person? I don’t even know if the RED QUEEN understands them. Also, the fact that she gets her ‘ds’ and ‘ts’ mixed up meant that viewers thought she was talking about double Judy anyway.

I met Nik from Te Aroha who has a tattoo of me as a Bond girl with a golden gun.

The ‘zombie drug AMB Fubinaca is back. Have some of the opposition taken it already?

All this is reminiscent of the Tina Tucker song. ‘SIMPLY THE BEST’ which I am.

Better than all the rest,
Better than anyone,
Anyone I’ve ever met.

GOLDFINGER (Goldsmith) did not have his finger on the trigger ready to fire as we thought. ROBBO (Robertson) came up with a $4bn fiscal hole in his budget. No doubt he was rubbing his hands in glee, it was payback for the admittedly fake $11.7 hole we found in their budget last election. What goes around comes around.!

CLEAR AS thinks our tax cuts may be as seductive as the ‘singing sirens’ in Greek mythology. An extra $50 in your pocket for some. There are always the 14% undecided voters.


The TWERK did well in the Colmar Brunton poll getting to 7%. The gun-toters and the Free Speechers are behind him.
CORMACK (FERALD) thinks if the cultural far right fringe parties joined up including ACT that would be 12% of the vote which would be a force to be reckoned with.
ADVANCE NZ are now on 1% which is not surprising as they have a huge online presence and can put on big demonstrations at the drop of a hat. CORMACK just thinks they need a charismatic leader. Suggestions anyone?


The CHAMELEON (Peters) stayed at 2% alongside the NEW CONSERVATIVES who have gone up in the poll. Did they pinch some of NZF support?

The RED QUEEN seems to have ditched him, thinking she can rule alone. Also the GOLDEN GOOSE is not laying any more eggs for them. The PGF has been drastically cut to $200m.

He wants the price of cigarettes to be dropped to $20 which would make them cheaper for him.


This lot are bonkers. They want to put a 1% wealth tax on the $1 million house you live in. Some houses in Auckland which are dumps sell for over $1 million. Don’t the GREENS like Aucklanders? According to GENTER speaking on Newstalk ZB this will be a bottom line for the GREENS.

MAGIC JUNKET (Plunket) put out a call for ‘babies lives matter’ and wants the code of whanau silence to be discussed at the next debate.


The chips have fallen BIG DON’s way as usual. With Ginsberg going, he will be able to remove Roe v Wade from federal jurisdiction and put it into the States where it should have been in the first place. Previously there was some shonky legislation from the Supreme Court about ‘penumbrals’ whatever that is.

Looking forward to the next debate, as someone said this last debate was the most important 90 minutes of the whole campaign.

Here’s lookin’ at you kid (Ardern)
Down the hatch,

PUNCH and JUDY. (Double Judy)

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