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Parliament is in Recess, there is a God after all. But what shows up during recess? That dreadful woman Tova O’Brien.

She was stalking the canyons of power asking questions about Goldsmith’s Maoriness.

Then my deputy came face to face with her on the Nation, at the weekend. It’s like your worst nightmare come true.

My deputy had to take a knee and say she got it completely wrong.

Glad it wasn’t me.

I got one up on those varmints Winston and SHANE.

I  set my cap at Jimmy Shaw, (obviously not the Maga hat), and he responded quite well, saying if membership agreed there could be a love match with National.

That’s progress for you.

Mathew Hooton where are you when needed? Now that I’m paying you!

Missie Ardern has got two books out about herself. One is advertised in schools called “Taking the Lead” (how Jacinda Ardern wowed the world) and the other one mentioned on The Cafe which is especially about her. This follows on from one on Mandela, Thunberg, etc. and other notables in the author’s opinion.

This puts Missie Ardern up there with world figures.

Where does that leave me?

My two new policies don’t seem to be getting any traction. Perhaps I was a bit slow out of the gate and lost momentum. That’s the trouble with being in opposition you seem to be firing blanks. In fact a letter to the Herald questioned if I had run them past Mike Hosking first.

Missie Ardern only has to open her mouth and they all fawn all over her.

How do you compete with that?

Though it does help if you shovel them money.

Cheers Toddy.

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