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Ride ’em Cowboy! Less than 100 days for me to fall off my horse.

Did you see that larrikin Tame treating Marshall Collins as if she was his mother in that interview? When I was on there he kept cutting me off saying he had a lot of questions to get through.

She also said she would give me 8 and a half. What is the half for? Was that a covert reference to Fellini’s film 8 and a Half, about a director who had a creative block? Anyway it’s on the Vatican approved list of films, so I should be alright there. Those other cowgirls seem to approve of me and think I am wonderful. That’s why I am having them on the posters alongside me or in some cases instead of me.

Marshall Collins is bound to have a shoot out with Marshall Twyford again. Remember the Kiwi Build fiasco? Well, now it’s the America’s Cup fiasco. They don’t know whether they are coming or going or what trail to take. (Not like the Avators who sneaked in and who are staying at the saloon). I think it will be “High Noon” all over again.

Those Catholic schools are at it again, tearing down the “Black Lives Matter” posters. Can you imagine Catholic Bishop Dunn waving a bible outside St Pat’s Cathedral like Trump did outside St Johns in Washington? More like Bishop Tamaki’s style I would say.

Missie Ardern’s book should have a name change from “Taking the Lead” to “Taking  the P*ss”. Not that I am one for cussing as you know. She got rid of the Covid critters by burning down the saloon. Where does a cowboy go now to quench his thirst?

I’ll end with a quote:

“Cowboys need nothing more than a hat, a horse, and a will to ride”

Yee haw,


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