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She’s Fibbed Before, She’s Fibbing Now

Freedom Village Credit: Aggie Zhang. The BFD.

Remember this from September 2020, when the lying tyrant told us all that anyone saying there would be forced vaccinations, mandates and vaccine passes were lying and spreading misinformation?

Conspiracy theorists have claimed a COVID-19 vaccine, when available, will be “forced” on everyone – including Kiwis.

The Government has rubbished those claims, made most notably by Jami-Lee Ross and Billy Te Kahika’s Advance NZ.

On Tuesday Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern went a step further, saying not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those who choose to opt-out won’t face any penalties at all.

“No, and we haven’t for any vaccination in New Zealand applied penalties in that way,” Ardern told The AM Show, after being asked if there might be tax penalties or other sanctions for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine.


Except it wasn’t a conspiracy theory was it. It turns out that they were telling the truth. It was actually the Prime Minister who was lying and spreading misinformation. Mandates were brought in, and those who refused the vaccine have been severely punished by losing their jobs, their businesses, their sports, and have essentially been shunned by society.

Now the tyrant is saying that the vaccine pass and mandate system will begin to lift once New Zealand is through its Omicron peak in March.

Ardern said vaccine passes had always been “temporary” and the “least bad option” to make sure people who had done the right thing had more freedoms.

Covid-19 cases were likely to peak in mid to late-March, followed by a rapid decline in case numbers, she said.

When that happened New Zealand would move down through the traffic light system, meaning there were fewer limits on gathering sizes and the like.

Ardern said this would also let the Government begin to ease mandates and vaccine passes, but she did not put a date on when this would happen.

“We’ll be looking to make sure that we are beyond the peak and that the pressure on the health system was manageable,” Ardern said.

How on earth can we believe her?

She also said that when we reached 90% vaccinate rates then we’d be free. We aren’t free until we are all free. And her empty words don’t sound at all like freedom to me. It just sounds like more restrictions with no let-up, until the tyrant can sustain them no longer.

She is going to cling to them as a drowning man clings to driftwood.

There is literally no rational, or scientific reason to keep mandates in place.

All the people who are going to be vaccinated have been, forced or otherwise. The vaccines are clearly not working as the vaxxed case rate continues to climb far higher than the unvaxxed case rate.

There is literally no valid reason for mandates, other than her need to continue to punish people even though she said she wouldn’t.

The tyrant, like all sociopaths, can’t ever admit she got something wrong, and so maintains the pretence of mandates and hanging tough so it doesn’t look like the protestors are winning.

She needs more pain, she needs more protests and the protests need to spread. She also needs to see her poll numbers slide further.

Thirty per cent of voters support the protesters and don’t agree with mandates. That number will have frightened her as she really believes her spin that 95% agree with her. Some political advisors I know were surprised by those numbers. It will be interesting to know how that tracks in the coming weeks.

Right now Freedom Village needs to hold the line. The longer they stay the more powerful they get. It matters not a bit that nameless cowards set up a petition. When you have nothing left to lose then you may as well stay put. It doesn’t matter that politicians won’t talk to them, they have cloth ears anyway.

The demands are simple, No. More. Mandates.

If Jacinda Ardern is too obstinate to budge, then so be it. We will not be moved.

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