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Don’t forget your booster. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I’ve been saying for over a year that the politicians and bureaucrats will never let us be free again if they can help it. I hate being right.

Nowhere is this better demonstrated than by the ever-shifting goalposts on vaccinations. First it was 70% and we’ll let you go. Then it was 80%, then 90%. First, it was those most under threat from Covid, the elderly and very sick, then it was every adult. Then it was teenagers. Now, it’s children as young as four.

Who wants to take bets on the first government to mandate a Covid shot at birth?

Meanwhile, the definition of “vaccinated” just keeps on shifting.

The government’s definition of full vaccination could change within weeks, as the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation considers expanding it to a three-dose standard.

ATAGI chair Nigel Crawford told a senate committee on Wednesday that the organisation was considering the prospect of expanding its definition of vaccination against Covid-19 to three doses, adding that he will present advice to the Morrison government in “the next couple of weeks”.

“We think the best terminology is actually ‘up-to-date with vaccination status’, rather than fully vaccinated,” Professor Crawford told the committee.

They will never let us be free again.

Notably, with a single pass of the bureaucrat’s pen, they have redefined Australia from reaching the supposed threshold of freedom, back to being firmly locked under the Covidians’ yoke. Australia is — or was — now 93.4% fully vaccinated for people over 16, well over the even the continually-shifting threshold. Simply by redefining fully vaccinated — oops, “up-to-date with vaccination status” — they’ve plunged us back to 50%.

At which point, long-suffering citizens can fully expect to be hit again with the whole coercive regime of restrictions, lockouts, mandates and mass-firings.

They will never let us be free again.

And they are clamping the chains on us younger and younger.

Hundreds of thousands of Australians aged 16 and 17 have been given the green light to get their Covid-19 booster three months after their second dose.

Almost 90 per cent of teenagers in this age group have already received their second dose of the vaccine, with at least two-thirds to be eligible for their booster from Tuesday.

The Australian

In other words: children. Oddly enough, the media and politicians who use the technically-correct term “children” for 16 and 17 year olds when it suits them, have slithered over to “teenagers”, to try and make their latest covidiocy turd sandwich sound like chocolate cake.

They’re already touting covid shots for children as young as four. Boosters for tots will certainly be next.

At this rate, it’ll be shots every week for life, from birth to death.

Sure, I’m being hyperbolic, but if the last two years have taught us anything, yesterday’s hyperbole is tomorrow’s “scientific” reality.

They will never let us be free again.
