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Shooters Have a Choice: Trust Us or Trust Them

sensible shooters

Sensible Shooters
Myles Chandler – Spokesman

After the announcement of the new Not So Independent Firearms Authority we issued a press release and pointed out that our senior Police sources were telling us that Police were planning on using their new role as regulators to:

  • Restrict the number of firearms an A category licence holder can own to just 5 firearms
  • Add restrictions in ammunition
  • Restrict the number of firearms per safe – with marketing data as a guideline
  • Implement registration by July 2023

It seems we kicked a hornet’s nest with those statements.

COLFO immediately reacted with not one, but two posts to Facebook. The first stated:

“We want to assure our members that we have seen no evidence to support these claims.

We know it is a challenging time, our team are all LFO’s and share your frustrations. However, we must operate based on evidence, and not speculation that seeks to cause unneccessary distress, or divide our community.

COLFO reiterates that this is not the independent authority that was committed to by government.

We will keep you informed as we meet with the Minister to voice our concerns, and prepare our formal response to the announcement.”

COLFO Facebook page

Just because they’ve seen no evidence doesn’t mean that what we said isn’t true. They followed up that message with another:

COLFO have received a number of messages from licensed firearms owners expressing their concern over rumors on social media, originating from some sporting bodies. These rumours included:

– Restrictions on the number of firearms an A category licence holder can own to just 5 firearms

– Restrictions in ammunition

– Restrictions to the number of firearms per safe – with marketing data as a guideline

COLFO takes the concerns of our community seriously and raised this with Police on Tuesday (16 Nov).

Superintendent Mike McIlraith, Director of Partnerships has confirmed that there is no basis for these claims and they are false.

“The Arms Act does not restrict the number of firearms that a firearms licence holder may own or possess. This also applies to ammunition. For the possession of firearms and ammunition there is a requirement that firearms licence holders store these arms items in accordance with the requirements of the Arms Act and Arms Regulations.”

COLFO value the working relationship we hold with Police. This partnership contributes to our ability to provide licensed firearms owners with verified information they can trust.

Mike McIlraith has been his usual slippery self. His statement does not say what COLFO thinks it says. McIlraith is simply stating the current law. COLFO has grabbed that statement and essentially called us liars.

Poto Williams

Unfortunately, for both COLFO and Mike McIlraith, the minister is saying something else.

COLFO and Pistol NZ both have representatives on the Minister’s advisory board, both of those representatives know that shooters demand a truly independent Firearms Authority. Yet they have surrendered meekly, blithely accepting the opposite of what we were promised. Shooters have been betrayed by those representatives and their organisations.

We stand by our statement, our sources are impeccable.

Sensible shooters have a choice, they can trust us, or they can trust them.

Please share this article so others can discover The BFD.
