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Simeon Brown – Government Shows Its True Colours on Gangs

Image credit The BFD.

The Government has shown its true colours when it comes to gangs, with its Ministers now openly championing them as advocates for justice, National’s Police spokesperson Simeon Brown says.

“It’s astonishing that a Government Minister, Marama Davidson, and the Chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt accepted an invitation to speak at a gathering of the Waikato Mongrel Mob this weekend.

“The Mongrel Mob peddles drugs, wields firearms and engages in violence, causing misery in communities across the country. They have no regard for their victims.

“Waikato Mongrel Mob leader Sonny Fatu proudly claimed after the March 15 terror attacks that his organisation wouldn’t be handing back their guns.

“Marama Davidson is the Minister for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence. Turning up at this event disrespects the many victims of sexual violence perpetrated by gang members.

“Her tweets calling the Mongrel Mob meeting ‘a fabulous community event for justice’ was an extra slap in the face.

“With gang membership in New Zealand approaching 8000 members, it is time the Government got tough and introduce Firearm Prohibition Orders to give the Police new powers to take guns off gangs.”

National has draft legislation before Parliament that would mean gang members subject to an FPO would not be allowed to possess a firearm, get a firearms license, or be on a property where firearms are present. It would also be an offence to supply firearms to someone subject to a FPO.

“The Government should support my proposed law change. It is urgently needed to help make our community safer,” Mr Brown says.

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