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Open borders policies have created a rape crisis in Europe. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Sometimes a hard dose of reality salts can work wonders on a politician’s utopian delusions. Unfortunately, though, it’s almost always other people who pay the heaviest price.

Especially when it comes to the demented virtue-signalling of the open borders fanatics.

Back in May, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz, “the County’s chief elected official and the county government’s administrative head”, was waxing lyrical about the wonderfulness of illegal immigrants from the Third World.

“Due to the exemplary work of the Refugee Partnership, currently there are hundreds of refugees and asylum-seekers in Erie County from countries as diverse as Afghanistan, Congo, Ecuador, Somalia, Ukraine, Venezuela and more. These people are not a threat to our community and are only looking for the opportunity to pursue their dream of living in a free, democratic society. Our country is a light to the world and they have followed that light here to Erie County and beyond.”

Barely three months later, though, that light has gone decidedly dark.

In a press release, Poloncarz said he spoke to Gov. Kathy Hochul, New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Jackie Bray, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams […]

Poloncarz demanded that Adams stop sending migrants to the area “until such times as we can resolve all security issues.” Adams agreed.

“Security issues”? Oh, he means the rapes.

Jesus Guzman-Bermudez, 26, of Venezuela, allegedly raped a woman on August 2nd in a hotel in Cheektowaga. The prosecutors claim the rape took place in [front] of a 3-year-old.

The Cheektowaga Town Court arraigned Guzman-Bermudez on numerous counts.

But the rapey “migrants” weren’t finished yet.

During a press conference early Saturday, officials said an asylum seeker from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was arrested Friday and is being charged with sex abuse and unlawful imprisonment after allegedly sexually assaulting an employee inside a Cheektowaga hotel.

“The victim is a 27-year-old female from Buffalo who was working at the hotel as employed by Platinum Community Care, one of the agencies providing services to the asylum seekers,” Cheektowaga Police Department Chief Brian Gould said.

The man accused of the rape is Kindu Jeancy.

As they have in New Zealand and Britain, officials are dumping their human refuse in hotels — on the taxpayer dime, of course — and hoping for the best.

And, as too many European women have found, if the worst happens, the “migrants” can always bank on the asylum seeker industry covering for them.

Poloncarz said that DocGo, the company hired by New York City to oversee the transport of asylum-seekers to upstate locations, “may have interfered in the Cheektowaga police’s investigation” of the sex crime reported on Friday.

While not mentioning DocGo by name, Gould also alluded to potential interference in the police investigation.

“I’m asking that those working for the companies that are for providing services to understand that all crimes need to be immediately reported to the police, and that any suspects are not questioned, interviewed or guided in any way prior to our police investigations,” Gould said.

Legal Insurrection

The last thing Democrats want to do, meanwhile, is to force Democrat voters in blue state strongholds like New York City to actually have to live with the consequences of what they vote for.

About 540 asylum seekers have been brought to Erie County, and officials are now calling on the asylum seekers to be removed from the hotels.

Buffalo News

In the meantime, these “not a threat to our community” migrants are such a threat that the National Guard has to be called out.

Hochul agreed to station National Guard members at each hotel housing migrants.

Spectrum News

Just the sort of “free, democratic society” you get with open borders.
