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So You Want to Submit a Guest Article?


I will always acknowledge that I have received a submission but I do not have the time to tell writers whether or why or why not it has been selected. This is due to the volume of submissions received.

However, if you become a regular guest writer and request feedback on what you can do to improve, I am happy to provide it.

Headlines are often changed so if you submit an article, check all the guest posts published that week as it may be published under a different headline.

NOTE: If an article is time-sensitive, i.e. on a current hot topic, then it goes to the front of the queue for consideration.

If it is not time-sensitive it will be put into a folder that I keep for days when I have a time slot that needs filling and I am short of content.

I won’t actually read or edit the post until I have a timeslot that needs filling.

To find out more about our requirements, these two articles below outline our word limit and give a broad outline of what we are looking for.
