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Social Media Catching Out Mayoral Candidates, Part 2

Jon Mitchell loves Jacinda The_BFD



Following on from yesterday’s article, I would now like to discuss the issue of Labour-supported candidates who pretend they are not.

In the Queenstown Lakes District, we have one, Jon Mitchell. Mitchell was the failed Labour candidate for the region at the last general election. But now he is supposedly ‘Independent’, you know, like Efeso Collins is an Independent for Auckland Mayoralty!

Jon Mitchell, used to be all about Labour, but now he’s ‘Independent’?

Mitchell, variously described by people as “creepy”, “commie prick”, “a slimy bugger” and “Definitely among the most disingenuous operators I have seen on FB”, is well known as an internet troll.

I have now been blocked twice by Mitchell on his various Facebook pages for the simple crime of asking questions, so I felt a little digging was required, to see just who the real Jon Mitchell (totally Independent, not a Labour plant at all) really was.

It didn’t take long to find out more about him. There are entire Facebook threads dedicated to how awful he is, one entitled “Beware of Jon Mitchell!”

The general gist of things is that he tries to wind people up in order to get them to say something that he can then use against them to have their gun licence revoked.

[redacted] I had those online and chats with him a long time ago when I pointed out his troll like behaviour to him I was blocked. I don’t rate his intellectual capacity, he seems to live in a bubble and likes to quite quote dubious anti gun research, which is easily debunked, he spent a lot of time trying to wind me up only to then lose his temper with me, At the time I kept screen shots of his stupidity and shared it when he would deny what he had said online.

One of his party tricks was to threaten to get your licence revoked so I called him out on it and that’s when I was blocked so I don’t get to see his bullshit anymore. I suspect his personality will ensure he gets sweet f all in the way of votes. His 14 followers is on par with Hera Cooks  gun control  original supporters mob of Marxist academics

Kiwi Gun Blog thread.
Jon Mitchell, from deleted Labour campaign page.

Funny, the last time Mitchell blocked me it was because I asked him, after he had written a long reply to me about why I should vote for him, whether he had stopped trolling gun blogs too. He immediately blocked me and then deleted the original responses.

He sounds just like the open and transparent kind of Labour stooge that the Queenstown Lakes region needs!

I guess we all know why these Labour sycophants pretend to not be associated with Labour, but the duplicity and deception likely go over Joe Bloggs’s head. How many people would see this campaign sign from the likes of Mitchell and relate him to The ACT Party? Or at least, not relate him to the socialist scum that is currently infesting our halls of power.

Jon Mitchell’s signage shows he’s most definitely not a commie. Photo – ExPFC, TheBFD.

Mitchell even claimed to have once been a member of National, like that was a good thing. He definitely comes across as someone who is happy to do whatever it takes to get into a position of power.

Local online media Crux has a poll that puts Mitchell well ahead in the local race, but to be honest, I don’t think it is a very scientific poll, probably self-selected much like our own here on The BFD and one run by a reasonably lefty organisation, the owner of which is actually running for Council himself (but not for Mayor).

There is however a distinct possibility that Mitchell could take advantage of the infighting between the two other main players, Wensley and Lewers and sneak in through the rear, so to speak.

Remember folks, if you are mailing in your vote, you need to do that by Tuesday 4 October but have up to 8 October if you are dropping it off. Make sure you do it, or you might end up with another ‘Independent’ led Council, and if that happens, well, you know how it has been for the last five years, you’ll be looking for giant heapings of more of that.

As they say, Lest We Forget.

Jon Mitchell, Internet Troll, Jacindaphile, and totally Independent.


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Willis took over responsibility for the supermarket delegation this month and will announce decisions taken by Cabinet to incentivise and encourage a third player into the market.

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