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Jacinda Ardern National Party


New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern won a landslide second term last month. It was not a surprise, as she had become a TV star. When COVID-19 was allowed onto our shores, Ardern was elevated to rock star status like no other Prime Minister in the history of New Zealand, as she told us what to do. In the election, she gained a mandate for the Labour Party to govern alone.

Peter Fraser, New Zealand’s war time Prime Minister, led the nation for a decade. In comparison, he was respected, rather than loved, but he is rated by many experts as our finest PM.

He is best known for leading the country during the Second World War when he mobilized New Zealand Supplies and Volunteers to support Britain while boosting the economy and maintaining home front morale. […]
Fraser led his party to its fourth successive election victory in 1946, albeit with a further reduced majority.  


As a preferred PM, Ardern outstrips Fraser in the adoration stakes.  She has become the COVID-19 Prime Minister and “has saved thousands of lives.” She eliminated the virus from New Zealand, by the use of draconian lockdowns.

Ardern had no need to make election promises. There were no big-ticket policies knowing she would sail through on the coat tails of her popularity and continue to lead the country. Since winning the election however, the New Zealand public have seldom seen Ardern.  She did tell us recently in a rare TV appearance, that it is now mandatory to wear masks on public transport, or as a country, we will not be able to have Christmas.

It has been noticeable that the left is becoming fed up.  Ardern was expected to introduce Labour’s policies of higher taxes, increased benefits, reducing climate harm, Fair Pay Agreements etc, but she has not.  Ardern no longer needs to negotiate with a coalition party, therefore has no excuse to not fulfil her promises of transformational and significant reform. The Green Party’s desire for a wealth tax is being ignored. Even the speech delivered by Governor – General Dame Patsy Reddy in November 2017 said that Ardern’s incoming administration would be a government of transformation.

Comments on left- wing blogs have become testy. People who voted for Ardern have begun to see through her. Cantankerous people are expressing their disapproval and even anger.  Some are feeling ‘conned’ and are now realising it was ‘all about her’ staying in power.

Ardern’s pragmatism has led to accusations from the left that she has been insufficiently adventurous, that she has morphed from transformational candidate into conservative leader.                                                                

Richard Shaw, NZ Herald, 14 October 2020
Despite her massive mandate, Ardern’s agenda will be resolutely middle of the road. Labour’s smart politics will come at the expense of its fundamental values and be driven by its desire to stay in power…Not only will the thank-you’s flow thick and fast until the next election in 2023, she will also reward her new converts with radical centrism.  There is every indication she will prioritise a policy agenda that does not upset the apple cart or challenge the status quo.                                  

Tova O’Brien, the Guardian, 12 November 2020
Ardern has been Prime Minister for more than two–and-a–half years, but we still have no idea what cause or policy she would die in the ditch for. What issue matters so much to her and Labour that neither would ever compromise on it?  

Cat MacLennan, 21 June 2020, journalist, barrister, and researcher

Peter Fraser contrastingly was renowned for his strong convictions. In 1916 he was charged with sedition and served a year in prison, as he attacked the government’s policy of military conscription. Ironically, Fraser was PM when New Zealand reintroduced conscription during the Second World War. Prime Ministers change their views.

Ardern’s change, took a mere three years and is already ‘upsetting the apple cart’.  Fraser’s U-turn regarding conscription took 30 years, but it proved unpopular with the party.

The shocking explosion in house prices, thanks to property speculators leveraging their existing debt to borrow more at cheaper rates. What is most horrific is that it’s a Left-wing Labour Government who have done this…
None of this will hurt Labour’s new National voters with property, but Labour’s actual support base will be shocked at how quickly their aspirations have been utterly forgotten.
Labour really need to take the Summer to catch their breath and move beyond simply keeping us safe from covid.

Martyn Bradbury, The Daily Blog, 22 November 2020

Those on the right-wing in New Zealand will be greatly relieved Ardern has moved to the centre. It has been said in exasperation by a left-wing voter, she has moved so far right, Ardern would make a good leader for the National Party.

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