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Someone Has a ‘Roo Loose in the Top Paddock!

Australia’s new gold wattle logo cost taxpayers $10 million.

Patriot Realm

As the saying goes, the announcement of the new Made in Australia logo is moronic. For my American and Kiwi readers, the saying ” Someone has a ‘Roo loose in the top paddock ” means someone is completely stupid, intellectually impaired and downright dumb.

Australia’s Nation Brand Advisory Council made the decision to rebrand the logo from the iconic Kangaroo in green and gold to an abstract depiction of a wattle which looks more like a user-friendly version of the Wuflu Virus. Is Australia now claiming the coronavirus as it’s National emblem? Probably not surprising seeing as most everything here is made in China so why not call a spade a spade?

Oh, by the way, the National Brand Advisory Board WAS SET UP BY MALCOLM TURNBULL.

If that isn’t enough, it cost $10 MILLION to create.

$10 million to get a stylised coronavirus and pay some kid to sprinkle glitter over it? Yep, that sounds like Malcolm Turnbull.

From a Roo to a Flu – wattle!

The BFD. Source: Patriot Realm

Seriously, I am gobsmacked to the point of shaking my head in disbelief  Apparently, the Kangaroo may be internationally recognised but doesn’t represent Australia’s other assets like technology and education.

Check out the full report on this insanity that cost $10 million.

Education? We hardly have a glowing reputation for education as according to the United Nations, Australia has been ranked 39 out of 41 high- and middle-income countries in achieving quality education, narrowly beating Turkey and Romania in the race to the bottom.

Technology? What technology? Maybe I am being a bit harsh, but last time I looked we didn’t have a whole lot that isn’t owned by or contracted out to China.

If anyone can think of something, be sure to let me know and I will stand corrected.

But back to the branding.

We will go from this:

The BFD.

to  gulp, shudder) this:


Talk about removing brand recognition.

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham’s full statement:

“The Morrison Government remains 100 per cent committed to the Australian Made Kangaroo and is providing $5 million to increase its recognition.
“Kangaroos will continue to be a key part of Australia’s marketing and logos from our Air Force to our tourism campaigns, our national airline and our sporting teams.
“The Nation Brand developed by Australian business leaders will simply seek to bring some consistency in how different government agencies, industry bodies, states and territories present themselves at international trade shows and similar events.”

According to the Australian Made Campaign Chairman, Glenn Cooper,  the kangaroo logo will continue to be used as the global product symbol.‘The iconic green-and-gold kangaroo logo has been clearly identifying Australian goods in export markets for more than 34 years with great success,’ said Mr Cooper.

“It is by far Australia’s most recognised and trusted country-of-origin symbols and is central to the export strategies of Aussie exporters taking their goods abroad. There is no need to make a change in this space.”

So we just paid $10 million to design a glitter-covered rendition of the Wuflu but we are still going to use the Kangaroo?

Someone definitely does have a ‘Roo loose in the top paddock.

Australia’s new gold wattle logo cost taxpayers $10 million.

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