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Sounds Like a Social Credit Score to Me

white and black camera on tripod
Photo by Micha Jakubowski

Peter Imanuelsen

Do you remember when people were called crazy conspiracy theorists for suggesting that we were heading in the direction of social credit scores?

Surely that could never happen in free Western democratic countries, right? Just like we would never have police patrolling the streets and checking peoples covid passports! Oh, wait, that already happened.

You see, in the British city of Sunderland they launched an app that TRACKS your travel movements. Citizens will then get rewarded with points if they use ”sustainable” modes of transport like walking, cycling or public transport.

Image Credit:

Yes, of course. Anything to stop people from having the freedom of moving about freely with a personal car. They want you to use Communist transport like a bus or have you cycling as they did in the Soviet Union. All under the excuse of climate change of course.

I will say it again. It is Climate Communism.

Citizens who get points can then use them for rewards like discounts in shops, free coffee and more! Wow, sounds amazing.

You get 1 point per minute when walking or cycling (up to 60 points per day). And you get 10 points every time you take the bus, metro or train (up to four times per day). Wow, almost sounds like you are getting a score…a social score…for being ”environmentally friendly”…

According to their website the program ran from 1st of March until 30th September, so it seems like you cannot get points anymore. Was this a trial run for something more?

Citizens who get points can then use them for rewards like discounts in shops, free coffee and more!

Imagine in the future this kind of thing being connected to your digital ID. You log in with your digital ID and then all your movements get tracked to see if you are using ”sustainable transport” (in other words, transport that the government wants you to use). You get bonus points every time you take the bus, and you could perhaps get negative points every time they detect that you drive your car. It is coming, we can clearly see that now.

Oh, and now consider the role that central bank digital currencies will play. Perhaps you don’t have enough points? Maybe you could be blocked from buying or selling until you have improved your score? Hmm.

And of course, they are using the excuse of ”climate change” in order to bring about total control. How long until we get a climate change passport?

In fact, this app that they have in Britain is not very far from a kind of climate change passport, it is pretty close.

I actually predicted this last year…

Things that seemed crazy just a few years ago are now becoming reality. Seems like the whole covid passports thing has given them new ideas.

We are seeing the excuse of climate change being used to implement more and more control. In the Netherlands the state is talking about forcing farmers to sell their land to the state to meet new climate goals. Where will it stop?

The truth is, it won’t stop until they have total control. Climate change is being used as an excuse to grab power.

It is Climate Communism.
