The group Speak Up For Women have had their billboard pulled down by GO Media after only 24 hours. The billboard simply had the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’ along with the website address
The group formed in 2018 describe themselves as “a diverse group of ordinary New Zealanders who initially came together to campaign against the sex self-ID amendment being pushed through as part of the BDMRR Bill.”
Despite a recent High Court judgement declaring that Speak Up For Women cannot rationally be described as a ‘hate group’, the same vexatious complainants who have been harassing the women’s group for years have managed to bully a media company into bowing to their demands.
“We’ve been here before and I won’t lie, it is exhausting. We have made it clear from day one that our issue is with law and the conflation of sex and gender. We have never wished harm on trans people and quite frankly, if these activists have proof that we have it is time they shared it, Speak Up For Women’s spokesperson Beth Johnson says.
“We are told that these activists speak for the most vulnerable group of people in the world, but the power they wield in local and central government indicates that they are simply a powerful lobby group. They certainly don’t speak for the trans people who have shown up to our events in support of our position.
“Told by their lawyers that they cannot shut down our event, three Wellington Councillors – including the Mayor Andy Foster – have decided to use their positions to have the location of our event lit up in trans flag colours. We would have no issue with this were it individuals exercising their own freedom of speech, but this is the power of the council trying to intimidate us again.
“We are just a growing group of women who want to discuss our legal rights. We are not seeking to harm anyone and in fact are simply advocating that the existing law should remain. We are bullied, silenced, and intimidated by people who are never challenged to supply proof of our ‘crimes’.
“We will not be silenced. We will hold our event. We will continue to advance conversations about the law and how we can deal with the tensions between biological sex and gender identity in practice.”
The Trans activists that targeted Go Media to de-platform Speak Up For Women used tactics similar to the Trans activists that recently targeted Rachel Stewart. In Rachel’s case, they achieved their goal of getting the police to go to her home and take away her firearms licence and firearms.
In this latest example of Trans activist vigilantism, there has been some pushback on Go Media for caving into the swarm tactics of the social media mob.
It is a real pity that the activists can’t have their de-platforming tactics turned against them. If each and every one of them were to have real-world consequences for taking part in organised and targeted attacks on people then perhaps they wouldn’t be so keen to hurt others.
In the case of Go Media, they are now between a rock and a hard place. They made the Trans activists who will never use their services happy and, in doing so, damaged their brand.
Who is going to want to advertise with a company that will take your money, put up your billboard and then pull it down after 24 hours?
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