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employment law rights mandate covid-19 vaccination vaccine

Voices for Freedom

Well that saying when the going get’s tough the tough get going seems never more apt. This is the time we all need to dig deep and stand up for ourselves and our children. In this article, we have links to an employment law webinar we ran last night which has over 6000 people register for and was our largest ever attended online event.

We also have links to a resource of template letters which we will be adding to over the coming weeks.

1. Please, if you have not already, complete this form because this will help us with preparing further webinars and templates as well as finding the best potential court cases.

2. Please click here to access the employment webinar & helpful tools & templates.

Available Now:

  • Letter for employee to send employer when in mandated situation.
  • Letter for employee to send employer when private business purports to direct vaccination.
  • Link to replay of employment webinar. Note the letters for employees can be modified for sending by a contractor and/or casual employee. We will also be updating the letters from time to time and will advise you of this by email. So if some time goes by before you use the letters please check back on our website.

Coming Soon:

  • Notice Letter where experiencing bullying/coercion in workplace over vaccination status.
  • Resources for Employers who wish to support staffs rights and freedoms.
  • Template personal grievance claim.- Template ACC claim.


Reminder that if you have friends, families or colleagues you believe would benefit from this information please share the LINK with them (not just this article) because that way they’ll also be kept updated with any new tools and templates and other important news.

Hi there,

Thought you might be interested in the replay of this “No Jab, No Job” webinar – it’s with an employment advocate and a lawyer looking at government mandates for the vax, private employers demands to jab, strategies for employees to use and more. When you sign up they’ll send you helpful template letters and then you will be kept updated on relevant news. Cheers.

P.S. A reminder that if you’re not already joining us we’re on Telegram, please join us there for more uncensored information than elsewhere. 

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