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Photo by Mayur Gala

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

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NZDSOS Call to Stop In the Name of Love

We have recently been horrified by an advert for an event in Tolaga Bay. The event is the Funky Whanau Xmas in the Park and guess who will be there? The Mobile Vax Van offering free Covid, childhood and MMR vaccines!

Really? At a Christmas event? Myocarditis for the summer?

The timing of this is particularly troublesome when we have several more recent disclosures screaming CAUTION, especially with our children, regarding the Covid injection.

Reasons to STOP in the Name of Love

1) The whistleblower data dump in NZ. Although there was abundant proof already of a global crime against humanity by Pfizer and co, Barry Young has provided more highly concerning vaccination data that needs to be thoroughly assessed by people without vested interests. The data seems to show significant numbers of people who are deceased following Covid vaccination in NZ, some in sizeable clusters that do not appear to be random. All Covid injections should be ceased while this is investigated. In particular no children or pregnant women should receive this product. Have we learnt nothing from thalidomide, DES, Vioxx and all the other drug disasters?

2) The recent uploading of a large number of NZ Pfizer Covid injection adverse events to the VAERS database in the US. This adds to far too many inexplicably dead and injured children already. For example from VAERS:

  • A 15-month-old male vaccinated on 26 April 2023 who developed heart failure due to myocarditis on 17 May 2023.
  • A 14-year-old female who developed Guillain Barre syndrome (paralysis) the day of her Pfizer vaccine on 5 Sept 2021.
  • A 13-year-old female who developed Bell’s palsy after her vaccination on 24 Sept 2021.
  • A 7-year-old male who developed pericarditis the day of his vaccination – 17 Mar 2022.
  • An 11-year-old male who developed myocarditis on 11 Mar 2022, the day of his vaccination.

These children were at close to zero risk from Covid. Even if the injection stopped transmission, what sort of society allows their children to be harmed in such a way?

3) We have also heard from Dan Picknell, former police officer, who has been trying for nearly three years to get the police to investigate the activities of this government who have acquired and promoted the Covid injections. He suggests criminal activity is occurring and New Zealanders are being harmed daily while the police refuse to acknowledge his concern, or our evidence, and dismiss it even if they do acknowledge receipt. He has written an open letter to New Zealanders detailing his concerns and actions to date.

4) The recent discoveries of genetic code that can integrate into our own DNA, and SV40 contamination of the vials, as well as the fact that synthetic methylpseudouridine can cause a frameshift when mRNA is ‘read’ by the ribosomes which causes the creation of novel foreign proteins which are likely to create a damaging immune reaction and much more.

5) Disclosures by ‘insider’ health workers continue, including of a cluster of children receiving heart transplants at Starship hospital; of an 11-year-old girl’s family getting fortnightly compensation (outside of ACC) for a serious jab injury which was not to be acknowledged officially; and of a conscientious carer being diagnosed with a delusional disorder for requesting that his already disabled wife receive unvaccinated blood. Note that we have details for these reports.

6) Sudden and unexpected deaths in all groups continue unabated, with funeral homes, probate lawyers and life insurance providers reporting exceptional activity to us.

There is significant and increasing evidence that the injections have harmed and killed and are continuing to harm and kill New Zealanders, and our authorities have proven themselves ineffectual. It is up to individual citizens to do the right thing – yes, including those in parliament – so let’s stop the jabs for Christmas and get a serious inquiry started ASAP.

In the words of Diana Ross and the Supremes:

STOP in the name of love
Before you break my heart
