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‘Sustained Propaganda’ and Telling the Army of Karens to Get Stuffed

Karen. Photoshopped image credit Dieuwe de Boer

The mask has slipped. ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda Ardern is now revealing the truth about her regime:

There you are, you are now under no illusion that ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda is subjecting people to “sustained propaganda“. That makes time spent in MIQ an instrument of torture.

Meanwhile the army of Karens is out in force on Facebook. A friend posted “Who has not broken any Covid-19 rules, cast the first stone.”. The first reply to that was from a Karen who said “No stones please. Let’s all pull together.” To which I responded, “Let’s not”.

Well that set him off.

He then proceeded to ask, “not pull together? Don’t understand”.

And so began my labour of love, teaching anti-freedom Karens about why I live freely and will no longer comply with idiotic stay at home orders from a jackbooted totalitarian drunk on power. It is all starting to remind me of a scene from the Simpsons movie:

I pointed out that I’m not on anyone’s team, much less the team of five million



The people demanding lockdowns are almost entirely in state-funded jobs and haven’t missed a pay cheque yet. They aren’t suffering like business owners or people who have lost their jobs, so they clearly aren’t on the team either, but bizarrely they demand that we play on their team, but without the cushy benefits they enjoy. So let’s pull together? Yeah, nah.

These Karens demanding we all play on their team are wanting us all to play their way, but without rugby boots, or even a ball. They can get stuffed.

His response was:

“Why not emigrate then if you are so self-centred? Remember JFK’s historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,”.

I mean seriously? If you disagree with these Karens they want you disappeared.

I informed him that, actually, I AM doing my bit for my country by educating people to think for themselves, to love freedom and to seek freedom. I am empowering people to stand up to totalitarianism.

Meekly tugging one’s forelock in blind obeisance to inane and illogical orders from the ‘podium of truth’ is not good for this country. We need to collectively tell the Government and ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda to take their knees off of the neck of Auckland and to get stuffed.
The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

We should seek to live freely. It is criminal and economic sabotage to lock up healthy people, torture those in MIQ with “sustained propaganda” and demand that the whole population quiver in fear of a disease where 99.91% of people under 65 live after contracting it. Worse still, many people who have had it have not even noticed.

Karen. Photoshopped image credit Dieuwe de Boer

The terrible thing about all of this is that ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda has done all this in a fit of pique. She mused two days before that there will be consequences, and then on Saturday night, she smashed Auckland in the face with those consequences. Here we are now on Wednesday with no more new community cases and yet all of healthy Auckland is locked up.

Just tell ‘Jackboot Jacinda’ to get stuffed.

Stay at home…Get stuffed!

Let’s all pull together…Get stuffed!

Use the app…Get stuffed!

Scan in…Get stuffed!

Team of five million…Get stuffed!

Fight back and live freely or cower on your knees in subjugation, shaking like a dog shitting razor blades, afraid of a bad flu.

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