If there is one big lesson the political left, globally, should take from 2024 it is the result of the American election. The stunning re-election of Donald Trump in such a dramatic fashion should have alarm bells ringing at lefty headquarters all around the world. If the commentary so far is to be believed the bells have remained silent. It would appear the only bells ringing are those from churches calling Christians to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Well, it’s the political re-birth of Donald Trump they should be worrying about. He is not Christ, though many in the MAGA movement might think he’s the next best thing. His detractors believe he’s more akin to the Devil. Hence they embarked on a suicidal course of action not only to remove his name from the ballots but also to throw him in jail.
These actions of insanity have backfired spectacularly. Trump’s win was brought about by the people, the majority of whom were sickened by the tactics used to destroy the man. It caused a lot of voters, some of whom had voted Democrat all their lives, to vote Trump. In some cases they may not have particularly liked him but their disgust was so great they felt they had no option.
The antics employed by the Democrats resulted in Trump winning both the Electoral College and the popular vote plus increasing the black vote and winning a majority of the Hispanic vote. What the Democrats achieved was a classic case of shooting yourself in the foot, so much so that the election outcome has left them pretty much the political equivalent of a person on crutches.
America is generally thought of as the greatest democracy on earth. But, by their actions the Biden/Harris administration was destroying this very assumption. It is now becoming clear that Biden was completely incapable, by reason of his deteriorating mental health, of being the commander in chief. It seems he had no input into what was going on and just signed whatever piece of paper he was given. Even left media outlets who consistently denied it leading up to the election are now ’fessing up.
The Biden/Harris administration has left a stain on the state of democracy in America and this is what Trump and the GOP now have to restore. They have to de-weaponise government departments such as Justice, the Inland Revenue Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Intelligence Agencies. Trump and his transition team have nominated those they believe are best suited to deliver on those fronts.
More recently the same sort of tactics are being used in Europe. Right-wing politicians in leadership roles have been subjected to similar attacks to those used against Trump. Flimsy charges have been brought against these people to try and have them imprisoned. It’s also happening in Germany, France, Italy and elsewhere. In Italy the court has thrown out the case against one such politician.
It is puzzling as to why the left think this is the way to win elections. They embody a mixture of hatred, envy and nastiness that is anathema to most reasonable- thinking persons. For this reason, they have doomed themselves to remaining in opposition.
There are similarities in the political landscape in this country. The Māori Party epitomise those traits the most. They have no interest in helping those of their race beyond the elite like themselves. If you go to Winston Peters’ year-end speech, which is available on YouTube, you will hear his views on them and he is pretty much on the button. He tells Labour the unfortunate truth that, while the Māori Party are in parliament, their chances of coming back to power are zero. They disagreed.
What about the Greens? In my view they are closer to the Māori Party than they are to Labour. They seem ignorant on most matters, particularly foreign affairs and finance. They are backing the wrong horse in the Middle East through being either deliberately ignorant or are just clueless as to what is really going on.
Chloë Swarbrick stands up in parliament and accuses the government of producing an austerity budget when, in fact, as David Seymour pointed out, the coalition has spent more than any Labour budget she supported. No doubt the Greens voted against the coalition budget.
As if in support of Chloë, Barbara Edmonds recently produced a graph showing Labour had in fact decreased the level of debt in its second term. This was later corrected but the damage was already done. She would be incompetent as a finance minister.
The lies and lawfare of the left are not going to cut it when it comes to winning elections. As well as Europe, the people of the United Kingdom are now finding out the folly of voting in a left-wing government. They have been subjected to months of lies and obfuscation from a completely incompetent and corrupt administration.
In Canada it is most likely Trudeau will be thrown out and replaced by a conservative government. France will go the same way if the left fail to jail Marine Le Pen. Elections are won on policies, not by imprisoning your opponents. It would seem the left have still to learn this simple lesson. Until they do they face a bleak future. The majority of voters will not buy into their behaviour. Trump’s victory is testament to that.
The Left, Lies and Lawfare
It is puzzling as to why the left think this is the way to win elections. And for this reason, they have doomed themselves to remaining in opposition.