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Photo: ExPFC, The_BFD.

Well the usual spring dump of snow has finally arrived. About a week late by my reckoning so maybe there is something in this Climate Change lark!

Anyway, snow is pretty. So here’s a few photo’s from out and about near Arrowtown today.

Please feel free to add your own photo’s in the comments section below.

By 10am it was all on with about 10cms already on my deck. Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.
Western entrance to Millbrook. Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.
Mill Stream, Millbrook. Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.
A lovely wee cottage in Arrowtown. Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.
The ponies were playful this morning, they don’t seem to mind the snow at all. Photo: ExPFC, TheBFD.
Arrowtown water race, looking toward Coronet Peak. Duck on the right clearly winning! Photo: ExPFC, TheBFD.
Every billboard should have a Kiwi flag by law! Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.
Moseby the $16,000 dog enjoying a romp in the snow. Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.
Coolest grandson in the world enjoying his first snow day. Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.
Or maybe not! Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.
Official TheBFD snow-plow. Photo: ExPFC, The BFD.

By noon the snow was melting away but as I type this at 2pm, there is a veritable blizzard happening outside my office window. I wonder what the morning will bring?

If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to add your own images below and share to your favoured social media sites.
