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We Already Know They’re Men

We Already Know They’re Men

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, then it is a duck. Unless you’re the IOC and the duck has declared itself to be a swan. In which case, it’s a swan.

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This Is What Is Weird

This Is What Is Weird

JD Vance was repeatedly described as “weird” by pundits and politicians. I guarantee you that every leftist talk show will be repeating it. It’s just another attempt at demonizing or “othering” normal conservatives.

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Intersex Athletes Will Be on the Podium

Intersex Athletes Will Be on the Podium

If you’re following the Olympics only through the lens of the New Zealand media you will be unaware that this saga remains one of the highest profile ongoing controversies in Paris.

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Our Hunger Games Unfold in Paris

Our Hunger Games Unfold in Paris

They are now a testament to the dissolution of nations into a global Panem ruled by Capitol elites, who demonstrate their disdain for the people of the districts through ritualized ridicule of what we used to consider reality.

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