Bosses Spend $9k on Canapés at Conference
The event has sparked questions about Health NZ’s financial discipline, particularly as hospitals continue to struggle under financial strain.
The event has sparked questions about Health NZ’s financial discipline, particularly as hospitals continue to struggle under financial strain.
Is Sir Ashley Bloomfield arguing that this nation should be turned into a police state for the ‘next (inevitable)’ pandemic?
Tedros has discussed trust and how to get it back – by killing free speech, of course.
The Michigan researchers are part of the new Green Movement who have moved about as far from green as you can get. As Joni Mitchell sang they plan to “pave paradise and put up a parking lot” for electric cars only.
Despite the protestations of those who wish to make political capital out of it, the average length of life among Māori has nothing to do with racism – systemic, endemic or otherwise.
The response will include funding for practical on-ground actions to limit the spread and impacts of HPAI H5N1 for susceptible wildlife. This might include a vaccination program for vulnerable threatened species, as an example.
This is a victory of people power against dominant forces and should buoy us all during whatever turbulent times lie ahead.
The ‘Safe & Effective’ roadshow explores vaccine injuries and offers solutions.
Two weeks ago we reported on an OIA response showing a 10-fold increase in ED visits for chest pain since the mRNA vaccination programme began.
By appointing a Labour Party Vice Chancellor it all but ensured losing its med school duopoly.
I am not going to humiliate myself by trying to explain to them that poisoning me is not good for me. I want a way to explain to them that poisoning me will not be good for them.
A review of predictions of epidemic and pandemic mortality. Ginkgo Bioworks have now provided a more detailed report to the New Zealand Royal Commission on Covid-19 Lessons Learned.
Although the research focused on four high-impact journals and US-based physicians, the findings suggest that financial ties between peer reviewers and industry could be a common issue in medical publishing worldwide.
Are our much vaunted scientists and public health policy makers just smarter than the rest of the world that is now abandoning this process?