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The Globalists Are Winning

The Globalists Are Winning

The UK, Canada and the USA are in the same boat with illegal migration, but NZ and Australia not so much because we are remote. The globalists haven’t forgotten about us, though.

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This Is Takeover by Stealth

This Is Takeover by Stealth

The reality is that He Puapua is alive and well in local government and in spite of the coalition pledge to ‘Stop all work on He Puapua’, it is now so rampant that it is threatening to take over the sector entirely, with very significant consequences for ratepayers.

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Bloomfield Is Behind It Again

Bloomfield Is Behind It Again

It’s hard to believe the former Director General of Health again is promoting a harmful substance and threatening those who do not comply.  

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Let Us Bring on the Debate

Let Us Bring on the Debate

Free speech begins at home. It begins with countless individuals making countless individual choices to speak their minds and allow others to speak theirs – even, if necessary, to defend to the death their right to do it.

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