World Class Ignorance
Throughout the Western world, antique and bric-a-brac shops are filled with such relics. They’re part of our history regardless of whether they reflect good or evil.
Throughout the Western world, antique and bric-a-brac shops are filled with such relics. They’re part of our history regardless of whether they reflect good or evil.
Most in Polkinghorne’s situation would have been relieved at the not guilty verdict, gratefully taken it as a win and left matters to rest rather than rake over the coals. But not this raging egotist, apparently.
A worker described the document as “propaganda” and remained sceptical about whether employee feedback would be genuinely considered.
We have the facts and we can see through your lies.
Politicians aren’t doing their jobs properly and will keep doing so as long as we keep letting them off the hook.
Who would deliberately deny their kids the best possible education in the name of ideology?
Talk about rubbing cultural preference salt into the wound. Is this what you mean Mr Penk?
Despite the supposed “green” credentials of solar energy, large-scale projects like Tauhei are not without consequences. Environmentalists and rural advocates have raised concerns.
That should have been the headline but the agenda-driven legacy media take the side of the road maggot.
Apparently, this is the forward to Ardern’s upcoming book, penned by the woman herself.
Simon has the same skill and empathy, writing with a light and often whimsical touch but always respectful toward his subjects. He has captured a part of New Zealand that is slowly but irrevocably disappearing
Astronomers say the comet will remain visible for the next few nights, making this a rare opportunity for Kiwis to witness a piece of cosmic history.