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Tax and Tainui. Free Ride by the Kingitanga

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Good job we don’t have a capital gains tax or Waikato-Tainui, the iwi in which the Kingitanga movement is based, would be looking at a tax of close to NZ$80 million on their NZ$227 million increase in capital asset value for the year 2022/23.

And that would be in addition to all the other taxes they pay! But, hang on a minute, they don’t pay any other taxes do they? Silly me.

Despite operating several dozen commercial businesses, through their Tainui Holdings Group “contributing $20 million per year to the Waikato economy” as their website proudly states, they contribute nothing to the national tax take. The taxes which fund the health and welfare services that all Kiwis, 80,000 Waikato-Tainui Iwi members included, avail ourselves of on a daily basis.

If the Kingitanga, with Tuku Morgan manipulating the puppet Tuheitia Paki te Wherowhero VII, continues to stir the race-relations poka, maybe it’s time to tell them that there will be pushback from the Government representing the majority of New Zealanders. And what better place to start than by telling them it’s time they paid their way like the rest of us?

It is their “charitable status” that allows Tainui Holdings to enjoy a tax-free ride, and the Kingitanga elite to enjoy their regal lifestyle, but what they are attempting with their race-based claims is distinctly un-charitable to the rest of us.

Charitable status? Taku kaihi. It should be revoked. Time to show the Kingitanga that attack will provoke a counterattack, and that their mischief has consequences.

