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The BFD.

In times like these, information is more important than ever. The BFD is here to keep you informed and entertained as our community works its way through this crisis one day, one week, one month at a time.

It is not going to be easy. None of us is going to get out of this one unscathed. Community is going to be our strength. We are all in this together. We are not alone.

Thanks to technology we can support each other from inside lockdown. We can co-ordinate to assist each other in the real world. We are going to face this as a team. Team New Zealand.

With that in mind, I ask you all to support all those Kiwis out there putting themselves at risk to keep us safe. Our police, our medical personnel, our military. The jobs they will be expected to do in the coming months will tax them to the limit. We must not make their jobs any harder than they already are.

The BFD.

Treat them with respect and obey the law. We may not always like it or agree with it but we must respect their authority. These are extraordinary times and we cannot afford disunity. We are Team New Zealand and we all have our part to play to keep each other safe.

To keep supporting our BFD community we rely on our community to fund us through subscriptions.

Please consider supporting us as we support you.

Please support us to support you.
