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fail failure unhappy dissatisfaction

In recent days I have had several articles published on The BFD which take a frightening view of the short term in New Zealand: the madness of the Ardern Government, the steering wheel in the hands of drunk teenagers with an IQ of about 2½, cliffs approaching. A question which many readers may well be asking is: do you have any solutions, Capitalist?

Yes, I do. It is in three parts. Firstly, stop being apathetic and pretending we aren’t in deep trouble as a nation. Secondly, commit to taking action (I will get to that below; keep reading). Thirdly, commit to undertaking a certain formula which I have invented.

The formula is 10/100/1000. It is not particularly complicated when you sit down and analyse what it involves. It is actually quite simple, so simple in fact that even I can undertake it without much difficulty.

1. Join your favoured political party.

2. Whichever that may be.

3. The important point is to actually ‘take action’

Let me also make it clear that rather than the ‘divide and conquer’ stuff that has hamstrung the freedom-loving side of NZ politics in recent times – bun fights between NZ First and New Conservative, for instance – this formula applies to everybody, without unrealistic expectations of anybody. The suggestion that, for instance, everyone coalesce around a single entity (which most people are unenthusiastic about) is not what I am proposing at all. Read on.

Once you have joined your favoured party – New Conservative, NZ First, ACT, National, ONE NZ, Matt King; whomever – then become a great activist within the party. Is there so much happening in your life you can’t spare a couple of hours per week to save a once-great nation?

Now to my formula: really quite simple and it goes like this.

1. Commit to driving 10 people to a polling booth on election day.

2. Commit to knocking on 100 doors for your party.

3. Commit to delivering leaflets to 1000 letterboxes.

If every BFD reader who is as concerned as your favourite Capitalist about the future of New Zealand, joined the party they support, got out knocking on a few doors, delivering a few leaflets whilst walking the dog, and drove a few people to a polling booth, then it becomes almost mathematically impossible for Ardern to win!

It really is this simple folks.

I do understand many of you may not be overly keen on door-knocking in, say, your own street – but there are plenty on the other side of town where you can mark out 100 houses and commit to visiting each of them to ascertain whether they support your chums, and keep going back to your supporters two or three times before election day. As for leaflets, think of ways to raise some money (try just ‘asking’ 50 people for a $20 donation) to pay for them: cheaper than you may think.

Stop worrying whether Luxon is a wimp, Seymour a weasel, or Matt King is better or worse than Winston, and start taking the fight to this evil, wicked socialist Government. 10/100/1000 is how we change the government and save the nation. If you take action today everything else will all come out in the wash.
