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The word for today is…

forte (noun, adjective or adverb, noun):

1: one’s strong point
2: the part of a sword or foil blade that is between the middle and the hilt and that is the strongest part of the blade

adjective or adverb
: loud—used as a direction in music

: a musical tone or passage played loudly

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : When English speakers borrowed the word forte from French in the 17th century, it referred to the strongest part of the blade of a fencing sword, the section between the middle and the hilt. (The word’s ultimate source is the French adjective fort, meaning “strong.”) Forte was perfectly suited for metaphorical use, and it quickly came to refer to the strong point of a person, in addition to the strong point of a blade. (The word has its counterpoint in foible, which comes from an obsolete form of the French word faible, “weak,” and refers both to the weakest part of a sword blade and to a person’s weak point.)

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