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word of the day

The word for today is…

ombudsman (noun) – 1. A man who investigates complaints and mediates fair settlements, especially between aggrieved parties such as consumers or students and an institution or organisation.

  1. A government official, especially in Scandinavian countries, who investigates citizens’ complaints against the government or its functionaries.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Ombudsman was borrowed from Swedish, where it means “representative,” and ultimately derives from the Old Norse words umboth (“commission”) and mathr (“man”). Sweden became the first country to appoint an independent official known as an ombudsman to investigate complaints against government officials and agencies. Since then, other countries (such as Finland, Denmark, and New Zealand), as well as some U.S. states, have appointed similar officials. The word also designates a person who reviews complaints against an organisation (such as a school or hospital) or to someone who enforces standards of journalistic ethics at a newspaper.

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