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word of the day

The word for today is…

liquidate (verb) – 1. (a) To pay off (a debt, claim, or obligation); settle.
b. To settle the affairs of (a business firm, for example) by determining the liabilities and applying the assets to their discharge.

  1. To convert (assets) into cash.
  2. To eliminate, especially by killing.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : 1570s, of accounts, “to reduce to order, to set out clearly” (a sense now obsolete), from Late Latin or Medieval Latin liquidatus, past participle of liquidare “to melt, make liquid, make clear, clarify,” from Latin liquidus “fluid, liquid, moist”. Sense of “clear away” (a debt) first recorded 1755. The meaning “wipe out, kill” is from 1924, possibly from Russian likvidirovat, ultimately from the Latin word.

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